[img]http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/3139-1-1323438683.jpg[/img] Name: Zazar Bane Age: 24 Race: Argonian Weapons: Iron dagger,Wooden staff of healing. Apparel: Mages robe,Fur boots and wool pants. Spells (3): Firebolt , Conjure Frost Atronach, Close Wound, Heal Other Best Skill: Restoration Magic Bio (optional): Zazar was born in Black Marsh from a farming family but he became obese in magic form ready a magic book in his local book store. So he start practicing magic when he was young wanting to learn more. So at 18 he leaved and traveled to The Collage Of Winterhold to learn.Then four years later he is still there where he is the student of Colette Marence. Hobby: Reading history books,Collecting forks and spoons, petting fluffy animals and practicing spells. Other info: Speaks in the third person like most Argonians and loves to eat sweets. "Eyes on the prey, not the horizont"