Having first gone to look around for the library Edge was quickly herded back to the top floor. He walked down to the hall he'd been assigned, most everyone was getting settled. So finding his room he walked looking at the girl who had beat him here. "Hello, Edge Van Helsing. I guess I'm your roommate." He said in much quieter voice, respectful. The boy then began to put his clothes away and began to place books on the shelves. Tomes on all creatures, some were journals and notes his ancestors had taken. "I'm a Monster Hunter, what do you plan to specialize in?" He asked putting last books on the shelf. Edge then got his violin case placing that on his night stand he took off his hat throwing it on to the doorknob. He finally collapsed back on to his back. "Listen I'm sorry if you saw that fight earlier... Pendragons have a thing against my family and I hate how stuck up he is." He sighed turning on his side to face her. "So you ready for the first mission, I'm hoping we don't have any deaths. Would suck to lose someone on the first day." He said to the girl looking at her, his eyes shifted back to his nightstand then his violin.