Looking back at her desk, all she could do was shrug, namely because she had no reason not to trust them. The knights ran the city after all, so if he assured her that it would be taken care of, the knights would have little issues actually doing as much. Though it was a bit awkward to leave so suddenly without so much as a notice of leave, but it seemed this man was rather eager to get started - so much so that she had still to learn his name. However, she had been practicing a new technique.. though it was not perfected and would only reveal his name if the memories reflected it. In the end, it was just easier and a less waste of magical energy to simply wait for the man to introduce himself or have someone else say his name. The first question was interesting and caused her to flutter her wings just slightly as she thought on it. Though she remembered it clearly, she took a moment to ponder the words to use, careful to substitute them where needed. [b][color=00ccff]"There was a coded message in one of the lore books... something like a riddle..."[/color][/b] She sighed, brushing her hair out of her eyes as she remembered. [b][color=00ccff]"I'm normally not partial to riddles,"[/color][/b] she admitted, [b][color=00ccff]"my normal thoughts don't do well with vague hints, I suppose. However it was something to do with learning more about magics.. I suppose I got so frustrated with not knowing.. and nearly tossed the book.. but then I suddenly found myself understanding it. It was quite satisfying, actually."[/color][/b] With that, they had come upon a wall and it was easy for Gianna to tell he was observing it before looking at her asking, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Thoughts?"[/b][/i][/color] The Sylph gave him a curious glance before going to examine the wall for a few moments. She paced back and forth, pursing her lips before looking it from top to bottom. For a few moments, it could be said she hadn't seen much of anything and was still examining it to understand why he asked the question. Somewhat suddenly though, [b][color=00ccff]"so, what's this say?"[/color][/b] She spoke in a soft tone, as if more to herself before kneeling down and sitting on her shins as she bent over to read the inscriptions. This however did take some time, but it was obvious she was mouthing the words over and over. Eventually, however, she huffed and looked back up to the captain with some frustration. [b][color=00ccff]"Well, I can see the lines in the wall, meaning this is a doorway to something.. seeing as making a fake wall that lead nowhere would be silly. Either someone closeby is listening for the key words or someone has figured out how to make n illusion.. perhaps shielding?"[/color][/b] She shrugged at that. [b][color=00ccff]"And the riddle.. obviously something is wrong with 'might' and 'right' as they aren't spelled correctly, but I can't figure out the purpose. Like I said.. I'm not good at riddles. However if I used my... insightfulness, as you put it, I could bypass my own weakness.."[/color][/b] Gianna wasn't sure how the captain would react and Gianna certainly wasn't going to ask any questions to the wall without an actual answer - she didn't quite enjoy the idea of something dire happening to her on the whim. At the same time, she wasn't sure if the captain wanted her to use her magic or if he wanted to see what she figured out on her own. Perhaps unlike most, as good as it felt to have power and magic at your fingertips, she knew enough that it was most wise to always keep it check - she was lucky enough to see the warnings in the library about overextending and she was no fool.