[color=d3ffce][center][h2][u]Detours[/u][/h2][/center][/color][color=d3ffce][center][h3]Kumogakure, Outside Genmyou's office - Morning[/h3][/center][/color][hr] Hanawa studied the two women as a mixture of expressions fluttered across her face. A little bit of surprise, irritation at the interruption, then more irritation as her would-be partner was being stolen. And then of course, the realization that she'd be left to this mission, dangerous as it could be, by herself. Hanawa was a capable shinobi in every respect, but still. Safety in numbers. Two is one, one is none. Still, she'd have to work differently now, tread more carefully. Before she could respond, Minami was pulled away. The extra scrolls were left in her care, of course. "[color=lightgreen]Fine,[/color]" she said with a sigh, she shook her head and slipped them away, where they would be safe and quick access. At least most of her gear was summonable. Turning back she headed outside into the bright morning sunlight, breathing in the crisp mountain air. Masshiro would need to be notified. He'd probably freak out looking for her, and then worry himself into an ulcer if she didn't tell him at least a little, and say goodbye. [hr] Hanawa trudged through the village again, barely making a sound with her tabi. Idly she stopped to ask a couple of the villagers if they had seen Masshiro this morning...