Not actually interested in participating, but I figured I had some time and impetus to burn. Here's some arbitrary usage of a selection from the provided list of words. Minus the 'your choice' one, which I substituted with something special. [b][u]Noun[/u][/b] [i]Obelisk:[/i] A lower-upper-class marker, greater in status than a cairn but lesser than a monolith. A structure which enjoys an elevated ontological state of class and prestige by merit of having been made by rich people. Especially elaborate Obelisks may be mistaken for monoliths (thus conveying an artificial appearance of general upper-class congruity to the general populace of masonry), while particularly shabby obelisks may be mistaken for pillars. Much commentary is derived from their chief characteristic, namely their tipped apex which is incapable of acting as a form of structural support - thus giving way to the common accusation of the Obelisk being unsupportive of the general affairs of architecture despite representing a disproportionate degree of all expenditure involved relative to other classes of masonry. [b][u]Verb[/u][/b] [i]Derive:[/i] To steal and distort, as a group or organization (being a plural form even when nominally used in the singular form), an idea under the pretense of either convenience, improvement, or elaboration. Widely accepted as socially acceptable despite its singular form equivalent being frowned upon socially and legally, the process of derivation is seen by many (mostly cunning linguists) as inevitable and thus not worth addressing - being an example of convergent linguistic evolution analogous to the contrivance of homophones. [b][u]Adjective[/u][/b] [i]Facetious:[/i] Yes meaning no. The snobbier but equally slothful sibling of sarcasm, facetiousness is characterized by its relative passivity and less frequent active conjunction with imperatives and/or declaratives. Deluded by the pretension of subtlety and class despite its more frequent employment in regular conversations, with most treating facetious segues as being sarcastic due to widespread ignorance of the existence of the word [i]facetious[/i]. Allegedly satirical before it was cool, although Satire itself could not be reached for comment. [b][u]Mine![/u][/b] [i]Ineffable:[/i]