Review will be in red. [quote=@HIruma Tenchi] [hider=Hyuuga Yosuke] [center][img][/img] [i]“Oh stop screaming. Its not like you're going to die...probably...”[/i] [b]Yosuke stands at about an average height of just under 180 cm tall. He has medium length grey hair and overly pale skin. His eyes are the typical hyuuga pale pastel color. Something notable would be the permanent black bags under his eyes. No matter how rested (which would be rare) he is there is tired look to his eyes. In fact he looks a bit crazed. His soft grey hair is usually messy as if he had climbed out of bed and this is permanent. His build is rather slender looking despite actually being quite muscular. His face is rather shapely but his entire body is covered in multiple self inflicted scars. When going out on missions that require him to get his hands dirty he wears more tactical gear but usually he is seen wearing his large white lab coat that has many patches and stitches (much like himself) that all seem to be self done as well. [/b][/center] [u][b]Personnel files.[/b][/u] [i]Access only by security personnel with a C3 clearance.[/i] [indent]【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [I]Hyuuga Yosuke[/I] 【[U]Alias[/U]】 [i]Mad Doctor[/i] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [i]26[/i] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [i]Male[/i] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [i]Bi-curious[/i] [color=red][i]This is a sin you know.[/i][/color] 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 [i]Konoha[/i] 【[U]Bloodline[/U]】 [i]Hyuuga[/i] 【[U]Rank[/U]】 [i]Chunin[/i][/indent] [u][b]Psych. report.[/b][/u] [i]Medical secrecy applies.[/i] [indent]【[U]Personality[/U]】 [i]Yosuke is a deep individual. He, like onions and ogres, has layers. The first layer in which you will mostly see is commonly refereed to as the insanity layer. He laughs at random times and his eyes have a crazed sort of look to them. He has little to no regard for anyone's feelings or social norms. Cutting people off or simply ignoring them wouldn't be out of the normal demeanor for him. He has an insatiable curiosity for the morbid and the grotesque. He isn't as happy as he could be unless he is elbow deep in a corpse furthering his research. Random twitches and inaudible grumbling to himself under his breath is also the norm. [color=red][i]I'm gonna have to ask you tone him down from 'crazy doctor that only enjoys his life when he's 10 feet into a body' to a more mild version, i.e. slightly weird doctor that has a fascination with anatomy, or some such. Why? Well, it's kinda hard to explain how he's in military shinobi service when he's a lunatic.[/i][/color] To him there seems to be a certain disconnect between what is the body and what is the "soul" or the true portion of a person and what it is that makes them that person. To most he seems a psychopath or at the least a high functioning sociopath. But its not quite that way. He recognizes that a dead body is no longer that person. He realizes that organs and flesh are nothing but that. The essence that makes someone what they are is intangible and not something he is able to find no matter how much he cuts into them. Perhaps that is why he cuts and mutilates. To find something. The next level that may be seen is the angry and irrational version of him. He doesn't like anyone touching anything in his lab. It is a perfectly organized mess that only ever makes sense inside his own head. He forgets to eat, he forgets to sleep and even forgets to blink sometimes. But he will hurl a beaker of mysterious fluid at you if you even dare to move a single tool out of place in his lab. There is no shortage of arbitrary and senseless rules that must be followed while in the lab or working with him. His eccentric behavior has made him famous from the medical nin. The third level is excitement. If he finds something he is excited about learning he can't seem to control himself and becomes even more twitchy than usual. He will often abandon everything in order to get started on his projects immediate. He loves to solve mysteries and his current job, forensic mortician, keeps him constantly excited. He can't stand an easy problem and he always wants a challenge. The fourth and last of the normal layers is the drunk. He often drinks as the demons that constantly gnaw at the inner parts of his brain drive him to drink. Normally he always has some level of alcohol in his blood but there are times where he goes above and beyond. His tolerance is so strong he normally doesn't drink beer but his own concoctions that may or may not be deadly. In this stage he is usually calmer. There are the occasional outbursts but sometimes he will suddenly become somber and he will sit down in a corner or simply against the wall and stay still for minutes to even hours at a time. If he goes to sleep it is usually due to a few bottles of 180 proof something or another. If you had any questions for him this would be the best time to answer him. The fifth and final layer is simply something no one has seen since his childhood. Apparently really really really really really really really really deep down there is an actual person in there. No one has seen it and it might be a myth. But so sayeth the legend. [/i] 【[U]History[/U]】 [i] During his childhood he grew up in a mixed home. His father was a Hyuuga from the second branch. His father was low ranking and never really amounted to much during his short life as he died when Yosuke was only 5. His mother, who was not a Hyuuga raised him from then on till she died when he was 12 years old. She died just a few days shy of seeing his graduation. He had been a creepy child even before the death's of his parents but his recession into his own mind got worse. He isn't some pitiful case of "ooh my parents are dead" as he was taken in by his father's younger sister and fellow Hyuuga clan member. Thankfully since he was half Hyuuga he was not considered part of any "branch" lower or otherwise. The trade off is that he will never have any real say in the clan but he also gets freedom to do whatever he personally wants rather than living up to the expectations of his elders. [color=red][i]Small note: the Byakugan isn't unlocked, anyone born with the Byakugan is born with the ability to use it. It's not like the Sharingan. Also, as a 'non branch member' he'd probably still receive a curse seal, like the side branch. Because the Byakugan has a history of being protected very well, I have strong doubts they'd let some outsider wear it without precautions.[/i][/color] His aunt and uncle continued to teach him the way of the Hyuuga and he managed to unlock his byakugan as well as master the basic forms of his gentle fist. But his dark and disturbing desires were quickly brought to light. He was always found dissecting something or another in the forests. He had even started to stitch them together in grotesque and disturbing marionettes. Because of this he was punished and often told to put such thoughts aside. He was unable and quickly went into the medical ninja route. It wasn't out of a desire to save lives or to avoid combat or anything meaningless like that. No it was to satisfy his dark desires of disturbing experimentation and impulses. He loved to cut things open and see how they worked. He loved to discover new things. He had no regard it seemed for the lives of the things he cut. This isn't quite true. Yosuke knows they were alive and respects life. In fact it fascinates him and works as the cornerstone to his curiosities. He would never cut open a friend or an ally except to help them or discover something in their bodies. A teacher was able to discover this about him and helped lead him into his professions. He has went through several after becoming a chunin at age 16. He was a tracker ninja for a short bit. His Byakugan helped and his medical abilities worked both for the squad he was on and as the perfect way to dispose of rouge [color=red][i]rouge means red in French I believe. You mean rogue. :lol[/i][/color] ninja bodies. Though this eventually went to the rocks as his teammates weren't able to handle his personality. He also had difficulty with the steal portion of the missions as he didn't care for it. He wanted to cut things open and learn rather than actually do the long painstaking process of tracking down a ninja. His second profession was working as a medical ninja in the hospital. This didn't even last as long as the tracker ninja. He quickly became bored of all of the accidents and minor wounds that came in. There was no mental challenge. With his byakugan he could assess what the injury was and he knew already how to fix it. There was nothing to discover and very little cutting. It wasn't until one day a man came into the hospital from a mission and he was on death's bed. They couldn't figure out what it was that was ailing him. IT was a strange poison that was made from "heavy water" or water that was made with oxygen and ionized versions of hydrogen. To anyone it would look just like regular water and since it had already been spread throughout the body it was hard to trace. He managed to find it just in time to save the man's life. At that point it was taken notice and now he holds the current position of forensic coroner. [/i] 【[U]Family ties[/U]】 [i][/i] [b] Hyuuga Kurasu| Father | 28 at time of death, Konoha, Ninja of the hyuuga clan. Yohana Mimori| Mother | 33 at time of death, Konoha, Ninja of the Yohana clan. Hyuuga Amenori| uncle | 45, konoha, Hyuuga ninja of the leaf. Hyuuga Natsumori| Aunt | 44, Konoha, Former leaf ninja current house wife[/b] 【[U]Dreams and fears[/U]】 [i]His greatest dream is to fully understand the human body. To what end seems to be a bit of a waste of time. Knowledge is what it is that counts. Perhaps he will save lives and perhaps he will make advances that can better the humanity of the ninja villages but to be totally and brutally honest it is simply to discover. In this endeavor the end will never be obtained.[/i][/indent] [u][b]Combat reports.[/b][/u] [i]Gathered from evaluation reports after missions.[/i] [indent]【[U]Fighting style[/U]】 [i]As a Hyuuga he obviously uses the gentle fist taijutsu style of combat. However he uses multiple variations such as the chakra scalpels. It is always close range but he uses his eyes and gentle fist style combat to guide his chakra scalpels in order to do the most damage or keep them alive while rendering them immobile. Whichever is needed. He specializes in non-lethal combat but this can just as easily be dealt in lethal damage. The two types of chakra he has avalible to him is wind and water. The wind sharpen his scalpels and the water assist with medical ninjutsu but he uses neither specifically in combat outside enhancing his taijutsu style combat. He doesn't worry much about his own wounds as he has special techniques to heal himself and if there is a poison out there he hasn't built up immunity to nothing would bring him more glee than to personally experience its effects and study it as his own experiment. [color=red][i]Sounds like fun but I'd need a short summary or list of what he is already immune to. I.e. will he are well against Ayame or not? You can see in the char tabs that there's a character (mine) that uses poison already. It'd be a bit weird if he was immune to everything, from a powergaming/metagaming perspective.[/i][/color] Lastly he uses dead bodies that he can animate and even surgically alter. Currently his main point of his research is in ways of bettering this jutsu. Currently he can only create makeshift puppets at best. He hopes that one day he can create Frankenstein monster style beings called Skaabs.[/i] 【[U]Kekkei genkai, or bloodline limit[/U]】 [b][u]Kekkei genkai:[/u][/b] [i]Byakugan[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]When he activates the byakugan he see's the world in far more vivid detail. At will he can extend his vision for kilometers at a time but only in a single direction. However when he isn't focusing on a single spot he can increase the range of his vision to a near perfect sphere around himself. Being able to see at near microscopic levels helps him tremendously with medical ninjutsu. [/i] [b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b] [i]The eye sight allows for the most information of any eye jutsu and increases the range of vision by a significant amount.[/i] [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] [i]Obviously there is blind spot but it also requires constant chakra usage and concentration to maintain.[/i] 【[U]Ninja techniques[/U]】 [u]A rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=]Yin Healing Wound Destruction[/url][/i] [color=red][i]Is ok[/i][/color] [u]B rank techniques:[/u] [i][url=]Dead Soul's Jutsu[/url][/i] [color=red][i]Interesting[/i][/color] [u]C rank techniques:[/u] [u]D-E rank techniques:[/u] *NOTE HERE* There are several techniques that he has but there is no rank listed in the wiki. Here they are listed in no particular order. [i][url=]Chakra scalpel[/url][/i] [color=red][i]C[/i][/color] [i][url=]8 trigrams 64 palm[/url][/i] [color=red][i]B[/i][/color] [i][url=]8 trigrams revolving heaven[/url][/i] [color=red][i]A-B depending on skill level[/i][/color] [color=red][i]Normally we expect you to grade them yourselves and then we check if they are solid/reasonable gradings. I'll add my own gradings behind them. [/i][/color] 【[U]Custom made techniques[/U]】 [b][u]Jutsu Name:[/u][/b] [i]Chakra Sti[color=red][i]t[/i][/color]ching[/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]B[/i] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]Short to personal[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]Using shape manipulation techniques he quickly creates chakra "stitches" that can be used for a number of purposes. None of the stitches themselves are very strong but several of them together can even bind taijutsu users. They can bind people to objects or even portions of bodies together. The original usage was to replace the physical stitches with a chakra alternative that would go away naturally after a few days. This was what he came up with. Examples of its usage would be stitching himself to an object to keep a better grip. Another is stitching someone else to an object or stitching their arms or legs together. They naturally disperse after a day or two but can be broken or severed by any kind of chakra enhanced blade or force. He must be in physical contact with whatever it is that he stitches. [/i] [color=red][i]Nice[/i][/color] [b][u]Jutsu name:[/u][/b] [i]Wind Style: Flesh Hurrican [/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]UNKNOWN and wait for mod to give it a ranking[/i] [color=red][i]I leave that to you.[/i][/color] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]Close[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]Taking in all three aspects of his fighting style he uses wind jutsu to greatly enhance chakra scalpels and the gentle fist style jujitsu to deliver an incredibly destructive internal attack. [/i] [color=red][i]Short description, did not understand the instructions, got penis stuck in airconditioner. No, but add more detail. I don't know what the jutsu does.[/i][/color] [b][u]Jutsu name:[/u][/b] [i]Yaseppochi no akumu[/i] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [i]C[/i] [b][u]Range:[/u][/b] [i]Special[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]After reciving some kind of injection or other way of entering a certain substance of his own creation the target finds themselves highly susceptible to fear based genjutsu. From there the target is absolutely helpless to resist a panic induced illusion that pulls from their deepest and darkest nightmares. In reality the genjutsu is partially medicinally caused and partially caused by true genjutsu. [/i] [color=red][i]So the injections makes them susceptible to fear based genjutsu, but it is also the genjutsu itself? You need to be a bit more clear.[/i][/color] Repeat form for as many jutsu as you can create, within the rules. 【[U]Weaponry, tools and objects.[/U]】 [b][u]Weapon, tool or object name:[/u][/b] [i]Small Scalpels with no name. [/i] [b][u]Weapon, tool or object type:[/u][/b] [i]Medical or torture devise of a small blade that can be used as a real focus for his chakra scalpels.[/i] [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [i]Roughly 7 inches long with three inch blades. Weight is negligible and can be thrown if needed. Absorbs chakra. Silver in color.[/i][/indent] [color=red][i]Alright.[/i][/color] [/hider] [/quote]