[indent] [B]Name:[/b] Flint White [B]Age:[/b] 125 (looks mid 20's) [B]Gender:[/b] Male [B]Breed/Species/Type/Lineage:[/b] Elemental Sorcerer. [B]Physical Description:[/b][INDENT][img]http://a1.s6img.com/cdn/0009/p/2190979_10986301_lz.jpg[/img] [/INDENT] [B]Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Firearms training Elemental magic (Controlling and conjuring of earth, fire, water, air) Police Procedure Detective work Hand to Hand combat Interrogation Quick witted [/INDENT] [B]History:[/b][INDENT] Flint was born in 1895, he led a normal life in Camden until he was conscripted into World War One. After the war, life didn't seem as precious anymore and he joined with a local mob boss. The gang told him of his magical abilities, which he had no idea he had, and began having him work for them in robberies. His shenanigans caught the attention of the magical courts. They soon captured him and they explained the world that sat under his nose, they explained that it was magic that kept him young, that his parents had died horribly to an unknown attack. Flint was lost, and not knowing what to do he left Camden just in time for Conscription to scoop him up for World War Two. More war and Flint was on his last thread, he returned to Camden and began Private investigation, it was ok work and helped pay for the taxes. Flint got his big break when the Court asked for him to join their police force, he accepted and soon rose the ranks to detective. Magical police work was a lot more intriguing than normal private work, and he was good at it. Then it all went to hell. Flint survived the first purges, but has been in hiding for awhile now. He hopes to meet with others and form a resistance movement against the evil that has taken over. [/INDENT] [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] [INDENT] Harsh, Quick witted, scheming and cold hearted. Flint was normally one to work alone, but the new order of things means he will have to begin working with others if they are going to stop the main threat. He wont take orders from anyone, but he isn't an idiot, and can be persuaded to do things if its for the best. He is a long standing alcoholic, and it is rare to see him without a bottle on his person, many believe his way of work is inhumane, and he prefers to act first before asking questions. More than likely not all there in his head, due to the terrible things he has seen in and out of war. [/INDENT] [B]Possessions:[/b] [indent] .44 Magnum revolver in shoulder holster. An array of legal and illegal weapons he keeps at his current safe house, most are pre 1950's however. Smudge, the cat. [/indent] [b]Yes and[/b] [/indent]