[@Love Me Dead][@Foster] [centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjllMzhjYy5VR0YwY21samF5QlhhV3hzYVhNLC4wAAAA/firestarter-z.regular.png[/img][/centre] Patrick kept his finger off the trigger, that way preventing an accident from happening. Afterall he wouldn't want to shoot the guy without no good reason. His distrustful nature forced him to ask for the man's name although, even if he knew who he was it wouldn't matter much. The girl scared, begged both of them to lower their weapons saying that they would bring the monsters, probably reffering to the walkers. Then Patrick realised that the little girl had a point, even though he had no intention of shooting the guy. He wasn't a freakin' bandit. He encountered some of those and they were terrible. The man said that he was merely passing through and then asked Patrick if he was the girl's father. Patrick lowered his revolver as he tugged it back in the holster and took a deep breath and closing his eyes while doing so. He watched the girl head to the door and opening it a bit, probably wanting to open it and get inside. He turned around and leaned down on one knee, grabbing her softly by her elbows. [color=8882be]"Don't worry! Nobody's gonna kill anybody. Not right now anyway. We'll save our bullets for the walkers."[/color] He said as he petted her gently on her head and kissed her on her forehead. Then he raised up and turned around facing the other guy. After expelling some air and looking down with his hands on his hips he extended his right hand to him. [color=8882be]"Hello! I'm Patrick. And no i'm not the girl's father. I'm just...passing through, like you. I left my car outside of town and came in for some scavenging."[/color]