[b]ACCEPTING new players~[/b] Please come join us! [center][IMG=http://img.new.livestream.com/accounts/000000000026a0fd/5a946dc5-9d64-4f6e-ae4c-32a9d41f37e6.jpg] [b]Gutter Diamonds[/b][/center] [center]Even in the darkest, dirtiest places on earth you will find that light exists, in faint glimmers of hope, brief camaraderies, and fleeting moments of happiness. Which is a good thing, considering that this is a pretty damn dark place... [u]Welcome![/u] To the underbelly of Los Angeles, home to the so-called scum of human society. Here in the dark alleys and shady backstreets you will meet many interesting characters, including, (but not limited to): runaways, drug addicts, black market dealers, prostitutes, local vagabonds, homeless people, gang members, aging transvestites, drunkards, insane hermits, sketchy loan sharks, and couple people who are really down on their luck. Even though they are looked down upon by the rest of the world, these outcasts and misfits exist in small communities of their own and do their best to make due. Beneath the chipping paint, rusting metal, and graffiti covered walls, a few glimmering gems of happiness exist for them.[/center] This is a character-centric roleplay about the life and times of a few peculiar people living in the shady part of modern day Los Angeles. The story will focus on their situations and how they interact with each other during their day to day lives. This is meant to be a mostly lighthearted roleplay, but a bit of drama and tearjerking is always welcome~ ----- [center] [b]Rules[/b] -Please be nice -Follow the RP Guild site rules -No godmodding please! -There isn't really a required post size for this roleplay, but a paragraph or two is always nice. -Don't feel pressured to write lots and lots though! Whatever you're comfortable with is fine. -No one liners though. -I'm not sure how the pace will be, but I'd like people post every few days at least. -Everyone is allowed one character to start. -Additional characters will be allowed for players who stick around for a little while. -I think three characters would be the final limit though. -This roleplay is set in modern day Los Angeles, so no magic or fantasy stuffs here. Sorry. -If you'll be away for a while or would like to drop out, please let me know~ -Have fun! [/center] ------ [center][b]Characters[/b][/center] [hider=character sheet] Appearance: (picture goes here) Name: Age: Height: Weight: Occupation: (You can pick any of the things listed in the description ex. runaway, drug addict, loan shark, ect. or think up your own!) Personality: Bio: Other: [/hider] Roster: -Vince Rike (The RC Master) -Guy Funnuchi (manapool1) -Dan D. Nathanson (StarInaBox) -Dr. Olivia Anya Friz (Madame_March) -Quinn "Q" Winslow (greenolive5557) -Joe Vaughan (Snippy) -'John' (Major Ursa) -Roxanne/Roxy (Gabby2634) -Fae Rogers (CherryPrincess) -Godafrid Pompilius (Mr. Mantichora) ------ If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me! ^.^