[img]http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/yy341/KuroiFaith/496c1f74-8f07-42de-a262-169eea60b99a_zpsdetnjtpw.jpg[/img] [color=gray][right][sub]"Silent Shadows" by Andreas Rocha[/sub][/right][/color] During a time of dragons and monsters, a great evil has consumed the land. An evil sorcerer and sorceress have dominated the country with their massive army of orcs, goblins, and other such bloodthirsty races. Prophecies made by the woodland elves had foretold of such impending chaos centuries before the good King Antony and his only son were slain not but 60 years ago. Their race completely disappeared shortly before the kingdom's fall. However, after years of silence, the elves have been made aware of a new divination, bringing them hope and a reason to resurface in secrecy. Seven humans will be born-- each with a unique gift or talent from the Gods. By forming together and using their powers against the evil sorcerer and sorceress, they shall defeat them and restore the Kingdom to peace. After patiently biding their time until each of the chosen humans had been born and passed age 17 (at which time their powers will awaken), the elves sent visions to each human using magic. The visions beckoned them to meet in the city of Jeorva, a wealthy merchant town that is far from the Realm of Spritus Raptor, where the evil king and queen abide in the old King's castle, surrounded by their armies and those who have pledged their allegiance. The world has become a dark place in the presence of such tyranny. Words of good conquering evil and retribution for what's been done are either jokes or the words of mad men. Of course, after 60 years of uncontested rule, coupled with how quickly the kingdom fell after the wicked pair began their conquest, it isn't very hard to see why such a thing as 'hope' would be considered silly at this point. Nonetheless, that is exactly what the vision represents as it whistles through trees, over lakes, and slips silently into the dreams of seven individuals who are fated to save the kingdom of Coake from the unforgiving grasp of corruption once and for all. [hr] [center][h3]The Seven Elementos [/h3][/center] [color=f26522][b]Fire/Heat[/b][/color] Has the ability to manipulate flame. Eventually gains the ability to produce their own heat for flame so they don’t have to have it provided by some other source. [color=6ecff6][b]Water/Ice[/b][/color] Has the ability to manipulate water. Eventually, gains the ability to freeze water and other numerous objects using water. [color=f7976a][b]Earth/Stone[/b][/color] Has the ability to shift dirt, small rocks, soil, sand, etc. Eventually gains the ability to manipulate large and heavy boulders and other large portions of stone. [color=8dc73f][b]Animals/Plants[/b][/color] Has the ability to communicate with mammals, reptiles, and birds. Eventually gains the ability to manipulate plants. (Human's appearance may come with some animal-like qualities) [color=8882be][b]Wind/Weather[/b][/color] Has the ability to manipulate wind currents. Eventually gains the ability to summon or dispel powerful storms. [color=fff79a][b]Light/Teleportation[/b][/color] Has the ability to heal wounds and create force fields. Eventually gains the ability to teleport over short distances (2 mile radius). [color=bc8dbf][b]Darkness/Mind Reading[/b][/color] Has the ability to summon powerful weapons from shadows. Such weapons can be wielded by the summoner only. Eventually gains the ability to read the minds of others based on their mental strength (not animals). *note* [sub]The second power, marked by “Eventually”, will [i]eventually[/i] be given to all of them. Players will wait until I notify them when it will be appropriate for the character to advance (although I am open to requests and suggestions should the player see an opportune moment for such character development). It will most likely happen during a point in time when they really need it.[/sub] [hr] [hider=Map][center][h2]The Kingdom of Coake[/h2] [img]http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/yy341/KuroiFaith/dff9be9a-12ba-411c-bbda-ecdf44ff7882_zpspflpz8sg.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hr] [i]Hello, folks! The stars have aligned and I have decided it is time to get my GM cap back on. This is a roleplay with a fairly simple premise. The world is in peril, seven chosen heroes, yatta yatta yatta. I tend to favor simple beginnings, but don't get too comfortable. This will not be your typical light-hearted fairy tale. There is a lot at stake here. Villages are being slaughtered and armies are rising up to vanquish the evil rulers of the land-- and not all of them possess the most noble of causes. This isn't the darkest fantasy RP you could possibly join, but there will be some heavy topics being addressed along the way. Just as a heads up. Auditions will be held for the 7 roles. Please keep in mind that with roleplays such as these it is crucial that I accrue a group of players who understand the concept of the word 'commitment'. I am flexible and can be very accommodating, but communication is key. Life happens sometimes, but there are few excuses for not being able to shoot me a quick message before you afk. I plan to keep this ball rolling once it gets started and I won't allow anyone to ruin everyone's hard work with made up excuses. If you are not a player who prefers to see roleplays through until the end or communicate to the group if you need to take an extended leave of absence, you are [s]welcome[/s] highly encouraged to get the hell out of this thread. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am open to suggestions as well! [/i] [hr] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] A word people call your character [b]Element:[/b] I will be holding auditions, so you may apply for any position you wish regardless of whether or not someone else has already applied. Please note that if I am receiving too many submissions for any one given role, I will close submissions for that role. You are welcome to submit more than one character sheet for the auditions-- but understand that I am looking for quality and not quantity. I am not above creating more than one NPC role if I do not find enough suitable players (or simply saving the RP for a later date when more people gain interest) [b]Age:[/b] How long have they been, like, y'know.... alive? 17-27 age limit. For story-telling purposes, I need AT LEAST one 17 year old character. [s][b]Race:[/b] Just kidding-- you're all filthy filthy humans[/s]. [b]Gender:[/b] I would like for there to be a semi-even number of men and women, so please take this into consideration. [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture AND Text or just text. Make sure your character's build, eye color, hair color and skin color are clearly discernible either in the picture or in text. Also please include your character's height as well as whether or not they have any notable scars/tattoos/deformities. Also include what clothes they are wearing. [b]Theme Song:[/b] This is optional. [b]Nature:[/b] Personality, etc. [b]Backstory:[/b] You might want to wait before you concrete any details here until I've posted a little bit more information about the different towns, but you're more than welcome to make up your own villages. [b]Goal(s):[/b] What are your character's hopes and dreams for their future? (Taking into consideration that they have no idea what their true fate is yet) [b]Inventory:[/b] Make a bulleted list. If you could update your character's inventory as they receive/lose things that would be super rad. [/hider]