[center][img]http://oi62.tinypic.com/2ijruy9.jpg[/img] [h2][color=khaki][b]N.C.4[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Yume's first response didn't answer N.C.4's one and only question concerning the mission. Consequently, the young woman would be treated with no remarkable reaction from the robot, it didn't leap off its scouting position as it asserted that no major threats would appear in this part of town. If there were threats, they'd be Shinobi, and it wouldn't matter whether they were out in the open or not. The drone kept a valiant eye and estimated the possible obstacles they'd come across if they were to take certain routes. N.C.4 didn't have the desire to cross paths with anyone from either faction, and even less end up in the middle of a conflict. Being called a bitch didn't budge it from its adamant stature, it didn't receive it as an insult for it lacked any form of individuality. As such it never truly got offended. She'd eventually confirm that they had to meet a contact here, something that sounded rather risky but traditional enough to prevent any paranoia. They'd eventually end their little trek within the blurry mist at an unfamiliar building the robot could only guess was the given spot for the meeting. It wasn't wrong as some shady individual emerged from the mass of water behind them, enveloping the white haired female in the process. The reflex response would be to have a simple strand of metal wire release from its major finger and whip it with a minuscule motion of the last finger joint. The wire was instantly stretched at a length that connected two opposing buildings while staying horizontal to the man's body. The speed at which the wire was hurled was akin to a Kunai's, but the enhancement is received made it bright blue and easily spotted by a trained shinobi. It would only be Yume's call to stand down that the android would halt the progression of the wire and keep it at a constant distance of 10 cm from the individual. N.C.4 was to follow her orders after all while keeping her alive. She wasn't dying, yet, and the jutsu seemed to be very similar to the water prison. There was no reason to defy that order, especially when there was a high chance that the man would be the contact. The mission would have priority over the woman's life after all. "[color=khaki]As you command, [i]Yume[/i].[/color]" The machine's monotone voice was clear, it wasn't going to budge unless she'd be in critical condition. After she'd attempt to explain herself to the man, she'd end up swallowed by the mass of water, prompting the robot to keep tabs on her condition. Before to could assess anything else, it'd easily notice the water getting hotter, the heat coming directly from her body. It seemed to be her blood jutsu it had information on. She seemed to have everything under control, especially when she attacked the man directly. The fact that he was intangible confirmed that he was one of those rare Hozuki shinobi N.C.4 was fitted to exterminate in case of an attack. The Hozuki lost a lot of relevance once another figure made his appearance. The older looking man would quickly seem himself confronted to a spiderweb of enhanced wires blocking his way. Junshiro wasn't going to let them take a stop closer, them dying would be less of a tragedy than failing this whole mission. Eyeing the older looking man with the scar (hi Barragan), the robot could tell by body language that he was the more dominating individual between the two. "[color=khaki]Identification, sir. The Hozuki will not be allowed to leave unharmed if we are not presented with what we've come here for. It is in our common interest to be quick and efficient in these times.[/color]" The robot was merciless in bargaining and wasn't going to let go of a hostage in such a hostile environment. The lighting enhanced wire it previously drew on the first man had reach the point where it brushed his liquefying neck as he remained under Yume's influence. [hr] [center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/2e2ozra.jpg[/img] [h2][color=fuchsia][b]Aoi Don Maquia[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Aoi beamed at the arriving Yamato with a reciprocated wave at his direction, happy to at least have someone around even if it was Konoha's grumpiest. By the time her entered the scene, Aoi had already nabbed a coin lying around and started to flip it over and over while trying to guess what side it fall on. Eventually she'd become quite skilled at guessing which it would be, so she added herself challenges over and over. It'd be when Yamato politely asked her how she was doing without a hint of bitterness or sarcasm that she'd glance at him with a whole lot of confusion being expressed. She wasn't worried, but more unnerved by how he behaved. By then she was expecting at least a complaint or him giving the clown the eye of the tiger. No, nothing, just a simple attempt at conversation. It'd be rewarded with an awkward silence that'd be broken by the new Jonin commander of Konoha. Luckily Yamato would have somewhat of his attitude back with the sly remark he made on the leader of the team. But even that felt unnatural compared to how he was the last time they all had a mission together. Raising an eyebrow, she just let the conversation slide under they were both asked if they were followed. Aoi would be the last to answer given she actually paused to think back on the excursion she had with that old lady a few minutes ago. She couldn't recall anything suspicious so she shrugged it off and answered honestly. "[color=fuchsia]Nope, nuh-huh. I ain't no amateur like Yamato~ Shame on your for attracting all these Kiri weirdos![/color]" She wasn't stupid enough to not get that he was joking, but even with Yamato's bizarre way of behaving (to her) she just had to poke him at her own risk. Then the question of what they would actually do came up and that got her imagination working. Were they going to be super secret agents infiltrating the Mizukage's office and steal documents that revealed the existence of Crab People? Or would they be sent to assassinate a diplomatic figure from another country to make things even more unstable? One thing was for certain, she was watching too many movies. "[color=fuchsia]Oh oh! I hope we get to be sneaky this time! Each time I'm with you guys we're just charging in! Blaaaah~[/color]" With that said, a [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/paranoiaagent/images/3/3a/Ikari.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121212051441]short but large man[/url] entered the makeshift living room from what seemed to be the restroom. He was dressed with a Hawaiian shirt and beige shorts, the epitome of professionalism. He did seem in a hurry however and quite on edge as he was on his cell phone when he emerged from the shadows. He was blathering various information concerning what seemed to be medication with all the random terms he was using. When he'd finally hang up, he'd flip a switch on the wall. A hologram of a large warehouse formed in the center of the room. Needless to say, Aoi was fascinated by it. "[color=f9ad81]Hello everyone. I'm Kirio and blah blah blah. You know why you're here, ladies and gentlemen. We're on a tight schedule as the fleet is about to migrate in a few minutes. I'll be swift. This is a Chideta Enterprise factory that currently serves as the main source of weapons for the Loyalists. The objective is simple, erase all traces of that factory and make sure no one gets in or out during the process. There are heavy defenses of course, too many for a typical shinobi team, and as such I'm sending you lot. My boy will be joining you shortly and get you through most of Kiri. Good luck and... Take this.[/color]" The man tossed a scroll toward the elder of the team, Tsukiko. She would later discover that it'd contain various details on the factory such as its architecture and various observations on how sentries are placed there. If she were to activate the seal at the end of it, she'd summon the multiple high-explosives necessary to execute the mission. As for the clown, she followed most of it but was satisfied with knowing what they'd do. Not the most exciting of jobs, but a job of her level nonetheless. The large man made it clear that they had to leave when he himself would simply walk away to another room without even asking if they had questions. They had to follow orders and that was it. How they'd do it was up to them. "[color=fuchsia]Hey, let's go~ I don't want them loyalist doods to have more weapons![/color]" An excited Aoi pushed her team to pick up the pace as well. Quickly she climbed back up to the ship's deck and didn't hesitate one second to use her ninja skills to hop on the water and walk on it. It'd be faster than any boat anyway ... As long as one of her teammates would show her the right way. She was also pumped to meet that now teammate of theirs, at least there'd be a new face this time around and not the same old.