So, I've been looking for a good RP for a while but none have really peaked my interest as of late. (And those that did died a quick death) I love 40k, it's just a shame that there arent a lot of RPs about it. So why not make one myself eh? At this stage I dont really have an idea of what to do. Well, that's not really true. I've got a ton of ideas, just dont know which one to pick. [b]And that's where I need you guys![/b] I was thinking of several different RP ideas. The first would follow an Imperial Guard squad through some war torn world and would be a highly realistic (as far as 40k is realistic) military RP. Think the Only War RPG mixed with Gaunts Ghosts. We'd be stuck in the trenches, forming bonds, of friendships and maybe even romantic relations and fight side by side while we are under constant danger of a sniper, a stray artillery shell or one of the countless horrors that the universe houses. My second idea was to do a RP along the lines of Dark Heresy. We'd be a small group working for an inquisitor and uncover plots against the Imperium and then purge all those responsible... Or join them. A third idea is a bit inspired by Rogue Trader. In this idea we'd be part of a "merchant" ship and we'd deal in not-so-legal supplies and artifacts. This would probably allow for the most freedom in the diversity of our characters and could be the most lighthearted one as we're not oppressed all the time by the big I. And finally... Why focus all this time on being part of the Imperium? Why not carve them up slowly... Or chop them into tiny bits very quickly. Maybe blast them away with foul sorcery or give them some of papa Nurgle's blessings? Yes, I am talking about an RP where we play Chaos agents, be it Cultists, Chaos Space Marines or something more... Daemonic... These are some of my ideas but I dont know which one to pick. Hence why I would like to see if there is any interest for any of these RPs. So here's my question to all of you... Is anyone of you interested in any of these ideas? (If you have another idea of a 40k inspired RP, please share it here. There are no stupid ideas!... Unless that idea is to play as the Emperor, in which case: GET OUT!)