[b][h3]WRYYYYY[/h3][/b][hr] It had been a long and hard fought duel. Megan and Clementine had dueled with each other, but neither had spoke a word to one another. They were too focused on their opponents, who, for some reason, were both children under the age of 9. Despite being in control for the entire game, Megan and Clementine could not beat their opponents. The game was a deadlock for 39 turns. That was, however, until Clementine and Megan managed to get their opponent to 100 LP, whilst they were at 7100 LP. Suddenly, a trap card activated. Self-Destruct Button was revealed to be the trap card. Because it was so late, they had no counter to it. [b]"Well. That was a waste of time."[/b] Clementine said in a jokey tone before going back to the bleachers to watch the rest of the games. [b][h3]After-arithmetic[/h3][/b][hr] As the duels came to an end, the students ended up sitting back on the bleachers. 30 minutes passed. Most of the students were asleep at this point. Without so much as a warning, the door into the arena came flying off of its hinges. A loud bang woke most of the students as the room was filled with total silence. [b][colour=Gray]"ALL RIGHT STUDENTS, LISTEN UP!"[/colour][/b] This yell came from outside of the door. A large burly man came running in, manually holding every single card pack ever released in his burly hands. Whispers circulated throughout the students. [i]"Is that Transformer?"[/i] [i]"He's really buff."[/i] [i]"This reminds me of my 8th birthday.[/i] [i]"Muscle is an illusion, intelligence is forever, hahahehehe."[/i] Behind Transformer was the teacher who gave out decks from earlier. [i][b]"When I call your name, come down to receive a card pack.[/b][/i] He said, his voice the same as before. He then systematically called out names. After one's name was called, they would walk down to Transformer, who would... rather aggressively give them the card pack that they chose. After the winner's names were called, the uninterested teacher began calling the losers down. Transformer managed to grab the remaining card packs and tore every single pack open at the same time. [i]The same time.[/i] He shuffled all 201 cards with his bare hands in one stack, then began giving out the cards to the losers. A voice came over the PA system. [h3][b][color=f49ac2]"Attention all first year students, attention all first year students. Classes will start tomorrow at 9 AM. Please get rested for them. Until then, feel free to explore the academy and make friends~!"[/color][/b][/h3]