Togan hesitated a moment at the woman's request, not just because he wasn't used to his new title, but because he was still in shock at having been promoted at all. The orc shook it off however, nodding at the woman. It only took some mild searching before he found a thick leather satchel, attached to a dead body. He dumped the various contents out, mostly clothing it seemed, and made his way over to the little critter. He slipped on his chain gloves, not wanting to experience the very unique bites firsthand. The little creature was busy ripping the flesh from the dead Screamer, making squealing noises that he could only assume were sounds of glee. It was quite small, maybe twice the size of his hand, and did have a certain appeal to it, a cute, gory, murderous look about it. Pulling his knife out, he carved a chunk of flesh away, then held it out in front of the creature, waving it lightly. It responded with a bit of a [i]gragh[/i], snapping at it. He lowered it to within its reach, satisfied when it snapped down on the meat, tugging lightly. He lifted it up, noting that just as its parent had done with the bear, it refused to let go. He gently lowered it into the satchel, and let loose the flesh, and closed the flap. It had plenty of room in there he figured, and returned back to the woman. The medic had finished her ministrations to Rilana's wounds, filling them with salve for healing, preventing infection, and for treating burns. Sewing them up had been easy work for her, having down thousands of these as a medic knight. She used a copious amount of bandages, wrapping around the entirety of Rilana's shoulder, extending from just below her neck, down below her shoulder blades, across her upper ribs and back up, over her breast. [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"You'll need to take it easy for at least.. two tendays, maybe three. You'll still be healing after that, but it shouldn't be too terribly troublesome by that point. Will definitely leave an interesting set of scars."[/b][/i][/color] She handed Rilana a small pack with the same salve and spare bandages, [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"Try and change them at least once a day. You can reuse the bandages if you boil them. Make sure you can get two fingers beneath them though, don't want them too tight or loose. But you're all set."[/b][/i][/color] The orc handed the satchel over, supporting the bottom of it, unneeded, but he wasn't sure how fragile the babies were. [color=82ca9d][i][b]"Let's go find one of the Wardens now, glad to see your injuries aren't too terrible."[/b][/i][/color] He led her over through the carnage, seeing that a few squires were getting a cart together to load the dead creature's body up. The knights would want to research it, find out more. The dead had been left where they lay while the injured were still being treated. Moving past the bleachers, they could hear excited chatter, to see the first creature, the larger one, chained up, being loaded onto a wagon by many squires. A live, adult specimen. Snippets of conversation could be heard, mostly them exclaiming how Lord Svarak had subdued the creature with his bare hands, never needing to draw a weapon. The Warden, Teskin, was overseeing the loading, and saw them approaching, [color=7bcdc8][i][b]"Ah, if it isn't the bear woman. Lord Svarak had me take care of a few things. First off, here's this."[/b][/i][/color] He handed Rilana a wax sealed scroll, embedded with the symbol of a lions paw over the citadel, [color=7bcdc8][i][b]"That will grant you access to Lord Svarak in the capital. He'd like to speak with you in private when you're available, the sooner the better."[/b][/i][/color] Then he looked over at his own personal squire, who readied some other paperwork, [color=7bcdc8][i][b]"He also asked I grant you naming rights of whatever... this thing is,"[/b][/i][/color] he said nodding over his shoulder at the large parent creature. The squire looked at Rilana ready to write down whatever it was she said, [color=7bcdc8][i][b]"And with that, the empire thanks you, foreigner."[/b][/i][/color] He then turned back to supervising, done with her. Togan turned to her, extending a massive green hand, [color=a2d39c][i][b]"And I thank you Rilana Aurorime'. Should you need anything within my power, I shall grant it. And you will always have my sword at your back."[/b][/i][/color] Some people might confuse this for a threat, but it was one of the most honorable phrases amongst orcs. An orc with a sword at your back is one that would die fighting alongside you without hesitation. A short, curt nod, and he was gone, seeking out others that needed help. Through the portal, the squire watched as the woman dove back through, wondering he she had the stamina to do that with a similar injury to his own. He stood up, reaching up to climb through, when the portal snapped shut, his eyes growing wide. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"NO! NOOO!"[/b][/i][/color] His arms swung wildly at the air, feeling nothing foreign. The portal had been inching closed, how had it just shut like that? It made no sense to him. He turned around, looking at the harsh world he was trapped in, with nothing more than the clothes on his back and the kris in his sheathe. Warden Knight Geoff watched as the woman dove through the portal, just before it closed. Oh well, another squire lost was a small price to pay, one he'd pay every time when knowledge of magic could be earned. He saw the woman had a couple of prizes too, grinning. He nodded at a few squires, who drew their weapons as he walked over. He held out his hands, [color=8493ca][i][b]"The Knights will be taking those, evidence of the Screamer's crimes."[/b][/i][/color] He didn't expect any resistance, and if she did, he was a Warden Knight, more than capable of cutting down a simple civilian. If Megumi gave over the gems, the Warden would simply smile and nod, before turning to walk away. However, his metal greaves would clink slightly as he stepped on something that wasn't grass. No one else would notice, but Megumi would. Further inspection would reveal a pair of four inch long razor sharp teeth. They'd been knocked loose from the monster earlier in its fight with the bear, and none of the Knights that had been gathering all that they could had noticed them. It would be the easiest thing in the world to pluck them from the grass, pocket them, and disappear from this nightmare. If she didn't, however, she'd be attacked, knocked unconscious by a well placed hilt strike. When she awoke, her eyes would see the teeth through the grass, and notice that most of the Knights had left the immediate area.