Béatrix stood up, her legs were surprisingly shaky beneath her. Perhaps she shouldn’t be surprised, she did just get stabbed in the chest - a few more millilmeters to the left and [i]she[/i] would have been a pile of ash instead of The Rogue. Tholo agreed to get the blood for her, and she managed a smile for him in return. Trixy heard a loud commotion after he departed and assumed that he fell. She was just about to go investigate when she heard him speak and stand back up. Well, he was still alive, then... While Bartholomew was outside, Trixy took a few moments to try to find out more about the man fate had thrown at her. She walked around bedroom, studying things like his decor, what kind of bedding he used, she looking for anything with personal value, perhaps a painting, or a portrait from his past. It seemed like he led a pretty simple life, and she had no luck discovering anything personal through this cursory glance. Before long, Tholo was back. Tunnelvision swept over the hungry vampire, and all she saw was the pouch of ruby liquid in his hands. Trixy was too weak to use her vampire speed, so she pathetically limped her way over to Bartholomew, her darkened eyes locked onto the prize. He said some words, but whatever they were didn’t matter, they were but a low hum in comparison to the pounding thirst overtaking her. Without any regard to manners or propriety, Trixy snatched the pack from him and sunk her elongated fangs into the plastic. The blood wasn’t warm, and the plastic wasn’t live flesh, but the feeling was as euphoric as ever. Trixy pulled the liquid down her throat and deep into her core. She could practically feel it working to heal her wounds, as if tiny little doctors were positioned on each and every blood cell. There was no human emotion that compared to feeding. This was out of body, out of mind. This was heaven and hell colliding. This was better than any sexual fantasy come to fruition. This was all of your senses maximized at once. This was life's most divine blessing. Time had stopped for Trixy until the very final drop was sucked from the packet. The grey veins around her eyes receeded when Béatrix opened them. Their usual icy blue color had returned, but they were still hungry for something. Apparently Tholo had taken a step or two back once Trixy started feeding, because she could now fully see him. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. A shy young maiden might have turned and looked away, but Trixy was none of those things, and she studied him with a gaze that could make a pornstar blush. [i]”Nice bike, by the way.”[/i] he said after fetching some cigarettes and sitting back down. Those were the first words he had spoken since his return that Trixy had actually heard. The right corner of her lips turned up before she spoke. ”Like what you see? Maybe someday I’ll give you a ride.” She let him take the double entendre as he pleased before pulling out her own pack of cigarettes and lighting one.