[center][b][color=ed1c24][i]Pokemon[/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][color=003471][b][i]Legendary Guardians[/i][/b][/color][/center] [hr] [hr] [center][i][b]Welcome to Pokemon Legendary Guardians Roleplay. This is a fairly well thought out roleplay, and all that's basically missing is you! It's easy to catch on to, and a lot of fun to play! Well, Here We Go![/b][/i][/center] [hider=Summary]The Viore Region, a Region on the Fringes of the Pokemon World, Where People and Pokemon have Lived in Harmony for Centuries! Such Harmony Is Not Easy to Attain, Taking Years of Cooperation Between Both People and Pokemon. But Sometimes, People Use Pokemon to Disrupt that Harmony. This is such that happened long ago, when an evil warlord used the power of the Legendary Dragon Pokemon to take over Viore. Few dared to stand up against one with such power, but a brave, select few, who had bonded with the Pokemon of Legend, did. They defeated him, and soon scattered on the wind. Such legends exist as bedtime stories nowadays, but are rooted in deep truth...[/hider] [hider=Application Template] [u][b]Trainer App:[/b][/u] [b]Trainer Name[/b] - [b]Gender[/b] - [b]Pokemon[/b] - (Only Starting Pokemon, Will Update As This Goes On) [b]Goal[/b] - [b]Personality[/b] - [b]Hometown[/b] - (Viore Towns Listed Below, If Moving from Out of Region, Put The Town and Region Moving From and New Amber Town) [b]Legendary Guardian[/b] - (Y/N, Legendary Pokemon If Yes) [b]Keystone[/b] - [b]Character Image[/b] (Optional) - [b]Custom Mega Pokemon[/b] - (Pokemon, Type/Type, Ability - Description, Optional Image) [b][u]Royal Skies App:[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b] - [b]Gender[/b] - [b]Pokemon[/b] - [b]Rank[/b] - (Grunt, Tech, Admin(Contact Me First)) [b]Personality[/b] - [b]Goal[/b] - [b]Keystone[/b] (Depends on Rank) - [b]Custom Mega Pokemon[/b] - (Same as Trainer App) [/hider] [hider=Viore Region Map] [img]http://pixelmonmod.com/download/file.php?id=3588[/img] [/hider] [hider=Towns and Locations] Viore Region Towns and Important Locations [b]New Amber Town[/b] -Maple Pokemon Lab -Viore International Airport -Pokemon Center [b]Route 701[/b] -Pokemon Center [b]Vertigo City[/b] -Pokemon Center [b]Route 702[/b] [b]Riviera Town[/b] -Pokemon Center -Riviera Town Gym [b]Route 703A[/b] -Bitterwood Forest -Lake Northwind [b]Route 703B[/b] -Lake Northwind [b]Dorado City[/b] -Pokemon Center -Dorado City Gym -Dorado Mines [b]Route 704[/b] [b]Lilac City[/b] -Pokemon Center -Lilac City Gym -Nature Center [b]Route 705[/b] -Lilac Bay/Krakatoa Bay [b]Krakatoa Town[/b] -Pokemon Center -Krakatoa Town Gym -Mt. Magma [b]Route 706[/b] -Krakatoa Bay/Pinewood Bay [b]Pinewood Town[/b] -Pokemon Center -Mineral Springs [b]Route 707[/b] [b]Northfrost City[/b] -Pokemon Center -Northfrost City Gym -Ice Sculpture Museum [b]Route 708[/b] [b]Sahara City[/b] -Pokemon Center -Sahara City Gym -Natural History Museum [b]Route 709[/b] [b]Voltic City[/b] -Pokemon Center -Voltic City Gym -Abandoned Wind Power Project Site [b]Route 710[/b] [b]Dracotia City[/b] -Pokemon Center -Dracotia City Gym -Crystal Caves [b]Route 711[/b] -Pokemon Center [b]Route 712[/b] [b]Route 713[/b] [b]Ultima City[/b] -Pokemon Center -Pokemon League Tournament Site -Ultima Trainer Condos [b]Mt. Viore[/b] -Misc. Ruins [/hider] [hider=Important NPCs]Important NPCs [b]Richard Maple[/b] -He is a Pokemon Professor and Professional Archeologist, Often Away Exploring Ruins Throughout Viore. His Lab is Stationed in New Amber Town. [b]Brooks[/b] -A Veteran Pokemon Trainer, On His Journey for About 2 Years. His Partner is a Mega Feraligatr. [b]Team Royal Skies[/b] -An Organization operating in Viore. It's Goal is to Use the Legendary Dragon to Take over the Region. It's Leader and Many of It's Followers are Currently Unknown. [b]Milly[/b] -Milly is the Gym Leader of Riviera Town, Specializing in Water Types. Her Main Pokemon is Her Lapras. [b]Erikk[/b] -Erikk is the Dorado City Gym Leader, Using Primarily Rock Types. He is also a Novice Treasure Hunter. His Primary Pokemon is Golem. [b]Lillian[/b] -Lillian is the Leader of the Lilac City Gym, and Prefers to Use Grass Types. Her Main Pokemon is her Venusaur. [b]Maverick[/b] -Maverick is the Krakatoa Gym Leader, Specializing in Fire Types. He and His Magmar are two Peas in a Pod. [b]Christie[/b] -Christie is the Northfrost Leader, Specializing in the Ice Type. His Glalie is a force to be reckoned with. [b]Nile[/b] -Nile is the Fierce Leader of Sahara City, Using the Sturdy Ground Type. Hippowdon is his Main. [b]Irrell[/b] -Irrell is the Voltic City Head Engineer, and Gym Leader. His Magnezone is His Main, As Well as Providing Power to all of Voltic City. [b]Alicia[/b] -Alicia is the Dracotia City Gym Leader. She is Young, but Specializes in the Savage Dragon Type. Her Dragonite is her Partner. Elite Four and Onward to Come![/hider] [hider=Non Canon Megas]Non Canon Megas With Types and Abilities [color=8dc73f][b]Meganium[/b][/color]: Type Grass/Fairy, Ability Floral Guard - Has the Chance to Prevent Status/Stat Moves from Taking Effect [color=f26522][b]Typhlosion[/b][/color]: Type Fire/---, Ability Intense Heat - Ups the Attack and Special Attack When Damage is Taken, Loses Power When HP is Restored [color=00aeef][b]Feraligatr[/b][/color]: Type Water/Dark, Ability Strong Jaw - Increases the Power of All Bite Moves Image (All Three Above): [img]http://pixelmonmod.com/download/file.php?id=3577[/img] [b][color=f26522]Ninetales[/color][/b]: Type Fire/Psychic, Ability Cursed Tail - Will Inflict a Random Status Effect on Bodily Contact (Physical Move) Image: [img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/d26f/th/pre/i/2013/346/7/b/mega_ninetales_2_0_by_bobertbra152-d6xq94v.png[/img] Guidelines for Custom Megas -One Custom Mega Per Player -No Legendary Custom Megas -No Godmodded Megas (Too Overpowered with Typing/Ability) -Be Sure to Add Typing and Ability, And Inform Me If You Can't Create One And I'll Come Up With It, No Worries. [/hider] [hider=What is a Legendary Guardian?]What is a Legendary Guardian? A Legendary Guardian is a person destined at birth to partner with a Legendary Pokemon. The two are to protect each other, and the world when in peril. They Gain Powers Such as the Power to Understand One Another, Help Recover Faster, and Gain Special Skills and Powers Such as Keldeo's Swordsmanship or Victini's Energy Boost. If You Are a Legendary Guardian, a special mark will appear on your primary hand, and appears whenever you are using a legendary power, summoning your legendary (yes that is also a power), and using your Legendary in Battle. [/hider] [hider=Legendaries Usable/Taken] [b]Legendaries Usable and Taken[/b] Mew - Open (Can't Be Super Overpowered If Chosen Btw) Celebi - Open Jirachi - Open Manaphy - Open Shaymin - Taken Heatran - Open Victini - Taken Keldeo - Taken Meloetta - Open Genesect - Open Diancie - Open Hoopa - Open [b]Special Cases[/b] Latios and Latias - Open (Must Have Two Trainers, Preferably Twins) Darkai and Cresselia - Open (Must Have Two Trainers) May Allow Other Minor Legendaries from Trios, But Not Main Pokemon Like Lugia, Dialga, Zekrom, Xerneas, Etc... [/hider] [hider=Rules] Rules and Guidelines -No Godmoding: No Making Your Character and Pokemon Supremely Overpowered or Invincible. -No Controlling Other Players: You Can Try and Lead Them Towards the Path You Want Them, But No More than that. -Try to Follow the Story: You're Free to Basically Do Whatever You Want, But Stay Within the Story Boundaries. -Use of NPCs: Some Restrictions Apply, But Most of the NPCs are Free to Use as Such Unless Stated Otherwise. If You Have Questions About This, Message Me in OOC. -No Capturing Legendaries: This is a Rule for the Sake of the RP. If You Are a Legendary Guardian, You Cannot Have Your Legendary in a Pokeball. It Cannot Be Captured. This is a Different Case for NPCs, Like Team Royal Skies. [/hider] [center][i][b]Now I Know this Seems Like a Lot Of Information to Take In, But It's Really Not. It's Just a Lot to Type, But It's Barely Any to Understand. Towns, People, Custom Stuff Info. Nothing More. Also, This is Going to be Based More off of the Anime than the Games, So Less Focus on EVs/IVs and Competitive Things, More Focus on Friendship and the Bond With Your Pokemon. Have Fun![/b][/i][/center] [center][i][b]Also, If You Like This RP, Check Out This One Here:[/b][/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87548-new-pokemon-mystery-dungeon-legendaries-at-war-a-pokemon-mystery-dun/ooc]Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon - Legendaries At War[/url][/center]