[@Hipster][@Slendy][@Lost Angel] She glares at him, she neither sided with the demon nor angels. She knew something much worse was on its way... A war not between demons and angels but rather a war between everyone and the hybrids. [color=ec008c]"Im sorry but as much as I see your reasoning for following me. But I feel as if you dont trust your own race, also wouldnt it make more sense for you to stay with Polaris? Since what if more than one demon appears at the gate and breaks it down? Polaris, might stand a chance when he is alone. But survival is guaranteed if you are there with him"[/color] Her eyes glisten again [color=ec008c]"Plus if you follow me without getting a replacement guard for taking your spot at the gate, then you are breaking the law of which two or more guards need to be at the gate at all time! Also if I am untrustworthy then why would I be a guard?"[/color]