[u]Somewhere, out in the middle of nowhere[/u] That's where Axton would describe his location. He was lost, no doubt. He had no idea where he was, or where this was. It was empty, baron, like a desert. Only, everything was dressed in white. Heaven was nothing like this, and he hadn't explored much of earth to know what this habitat was like. All Axton knew was that he was blistering cold, and that his wings had frozen up. Slowly trotting through a land that was covered in the whitest of sugar, Axton continued to walk, his hair covered in little white specks of this odd white substance. Whatever it was, it made Axton colder. His body couldn't handle too much more of this, he'd need to warm up and find a way out. "Damn it" He mumbled. His arms wrapped around his torso, providing minimal warmth. Then, the idea hit him. He knew how he'd escape this mess. Without hesitation, Axton pulled his daggers from his holsters and held them in front of them. "HELLPHYRE SUMMON:FLAME!" He shouted. The daggers engulfed in flames. He knew it was going to hurt, but as cold as it was, he was stupid enough to try it. He stabbed himself. 20 minutes of running in terror and sweet relief, Axton's wings had finally unfrozen, and he was ready to fly again. Taking flight, Axton dashed through the air aimlessly, wondering where his wings would take him next. All Axton knew was that he wasn't going back there. Out of nowhere, a sharp pain gashed down Axton's back. White blood ruptured from his spine as his wings gave out. He fell endlessly through the brisk, cold wind, and finally, hitting the ground hard. Luckily, the sugar broke his fall, but it didn't hide the immense pain of Axton's now punctured back. Emerging from the howling foggy wind, was a figure. Fire lit both of it's large horns, it's skin red as blood. It was no doubt a demon. Staggering upwards, Axton drew his daggers. Another demon to slay, this was going to be fun. [u]To be continued....[/u]