this rp needs more squirrels! and hes gonna join the warband! [hider=Ratatoskr] name: Ratatoskr (Rata) gender: Male godly parents: NA sphere of control: Stealth, Electricity, Small woodland creatures, trees, acorns, Messengers appearance: [img][/img] personality: Ratatoskr, or just Rata as he likes to go by unlike most of the other gods, doesn’t resemble a human at all. Instead he is a squirrel and is quick on his feet, he loves acorns more than he does anything else. He also uses his cute features to his advantage often creating a distraction. But other wise he is a kind squirrel, though a little annoying at times. sacred animal: Squirrels, and chipmunks powers: Rata can control lightning as well as use it to run quickly. He can even run through the air even acting a flying squirrel. He is regarded as the fastest among the gods as well, which is why he is often used as a messenger between them, going as fast as light so long as he doesn’t have to turn. Rata can do multiple things with electricity, this includes making weapons out of it, paralyzing, and using it as a shield. Rata can also throw acorns as projectiles, though he mostly throws rotten acorns instead of the good ones, which he eats. weapon(s): Only his claws. And rotten acorns. other: Ratatoskr is a messenger of the gods, he is the fastest when it comes to running straight and not turning. He also lives inside of Yggdrasil. [/hider]