Masrith sat through the trial with a blank expression. His face changed when he saw Sithilerine freed from his prison. He stood up and left without a word. As he retreated to his own domain, he heard the shout of what seemed to be a very angry man. "That damned Cynbel. Alright, I'll show to make him feel better." He opened a portal and walked through it to walk behind Cynbel as he was shouting for everyone. "That's odd...oh right, time portal. I remember now." He looked around Olympus. "Cleaned the place up I see. Cynbel. Before we start this. I'm technically not aloud to interfere with these endeavours. So I'll just provide a strategic advantage as I can see his moves as he thinks about doing them...technically speaking." He let out a strange grin. Masrith wasn't used to showing emotion. Sithilerine traveled throughout worlds. "Those retched Gods. I'll devour every last one of them. My soul has rested enough. I will not allow some pathetic, insignificant worms who take pleasure in the account of turning themselves into bastard children get the better of me. I'll slaughter each and every one of them." He started to focus his breathing to calm himself down. "I need more power. What Gods exist to give me that much more of a advantage?" He let out a menacing grin to himself. "I know a fool who isolates himself simply because of his behavior....I hope you're home Loki. I'm on my way."