[b]Road to Knowledge [/b] With the Pirates defeated, Amelia looked with distaste as the prisoners were rounded up and bound before reflecting on the battle. She could not say she was particularly happy with the outcome - the battle had been much too costly for what should have been an extremely straightforward pirate raid. They had the element of surprise, the pirates had no idea what they walked into and they should have been able to win from just that. So why on earth did they lose so many forces? With Goldevia making her conversation, Amelia nodded, feeling it was only best to make a response - although she was quite concerned about several things. "And you have fought valiantly yourself, Goldevia. I am sorry for the loss of your companions, but I am sure they died as valiantly as any warrior." The truth was, she was quite sure their deaths were needless, but did that really matter? One's manner of death was all that mattered; the reason for that death did not matter... most of the time. There was another matter she was concerned about - that was, of course, the Roman Priestess. The oarsmen were adults and should deal with violence. The Legionaries were soldiers, men who lived and died in battle. Cuinte knew the dangers of his jobs. Oriana was young. While Amelia and her fellow valkyries were warriors of Odin, she was truly just a child. She should not have seen something such as this so soon in her life, and that was what drew Amelia's concern, even more than Goldevia's loss of her animals. "...Are you alright, Oriana?" she asked softly, skipping the proud, fellow warrior tone for a more sisterly one.