"They've been known to take refuge in abandoned towers and buildings such as these when driven away by man... but what killed it?" Metosi began to climb the steps, one hand crackling with restrained electricity, the other a spell to conjure a minion, the same that Ka-Vara now wielded in his free hand. "Shinon, keep an eye out and put some arrows into anything that moves. We don't want to take any chances." Looking back, Qa'Ra looked too involved in his search for alchemical ingredients to be of use, making the Dunmer inwardly curse. What a time for their battle-hardened monk to lose focus! "You're right, we should exercise caution, but something of use could still inside. Spriggans are known for guarding their sanctuaries, but also undisturbed treasure.." Stopping for a moment to allow his companions to catch up, Metosi peered at the corpse. It seemed to have been dead for some time, but there were no marks to suggest what exactly had felled it. Action: Ready his spells, inspect the corpse of the Spriggan, wait for his companions.