[color=8882be][i]Eros, having finally lost his hangers on, for now, and cleaned himself up a bit after losing most of his stomach to being to merry for one evening, stumbled into the table on the other side of Thanneth from Deidre. His hair was plastered to his head, from his haveing dunked his head in cool water to help sober himself, so now he was only mostly drunk. He hadn't caught much of what was said, but he understood that Deidre had invited Thanneth to join the festivities and the Thanneth had declined.[/i][/color] [color=00a651]Thaannneth, ye shu be danthin'. Yer inthultin' the mah*hic*yer, by bein' tho dour. *Hic* At leath danth 'ith Rafen, if we be to thimple fer ye tathte(taste). Inthultin de mayer no good, *hic*, he juth wanna thay thankth an' yer thpitten in hith fathe(face). I thin' I need mer 'ater... Danth 'ith Rafen Thanneth, fer de mayer...[/color] [color=8882be][i]Eros turned and stumbled off into the night again, trying to get sober before he passed out, so he could at least get into to town for the night, instead of ending up sprawled on the lawn, as he suspected he would at this point.[/i][/color]