Awesome! Just so everybody's more or less on the same page -- our current thinking is, we're going to run more or less a standard RPGC contest, both for those who don't NaNo and for people (like me most years) who hit a super-hard writer's block on their NaNo effort and need something else to write about. At the same time, if your NaNo is going well, we'd love to read that too -- and if you haven't tried writing a novel yet, this is the perfect time to give it a shot. So we're going to incorporate NaNo into the RPGC contest *somehow*, so that you don't have to choose between the two. Of course you don't have to do both, or either, or whatever -- but this seems as good a place as any to generate some extra motivation for those slow wordcount days. We're gonna talk it over some more and come up with a good plan. If you have thoughts, do please share them -- the goal here is to make a contest you all like, so your feedback is absolutely crucial! And if you haven't checked out NaNo yet, definitely give it a look. It's a great experience.