[@BytheSpleen] [hider=Lyra]By rule, almost all things in Idumea have a spirit of some kind. Not all spirits are usable and exist just to sustain life. [color=gold]There are no flowers [u]close by[/u], just weeds and grass.[/color][/hider] [color=coral]"Hey kid! What's your name?"[/color] The boy heard [color=coral]Steven[/color] ask him. In his still childish mind and being timid, it took a moment before the question sank in. He was focused on his task to find a detèmine for his sad mother. He walked around the boulder and after ensuring that there was nothing the boy lifted his eyes from the ground to look at Steven. Carefully he studied the group of strangers. Instinctively he turned his feet slightly inwards and again cast his eyes down. [color=gold]"Säätur"[/color], he said, [color=gold]"from Avveel"[/color]. The sun was just about to reach it's apex at this time of the year. Though the town was still somewhat far away in the distance, the town hall bell marking the midpoint of the day could be heard clearly enough. It's light and happy sound echoed pleasantly in the valley. A steady stream of people begins to slowly flow to the fields in the distance. The most eager workers have ended their break and are now returning to work. The sound of the bell made [color=gold]Säätur[/color] jump slightly and he stared at the town in the distance. Quickly he moved on to the next boulder and continued his careful search.