Although Deirdre had originally been planning to enjoy the simple merriment of a village festival throughout the duration of the night coming events conspired to rob the Rohirrim youth of that joyous opportunity. With half-narrowed eyes the woman turned her attention to Eros as he approached, lips pulling downwards into some semblance of a frown; although she was more than accustomed to dealing with drunken warriors, especially after so many years working with the militia, it none-the-less continued to annoy the youth when others felt the need to lose themselves in their drinks to such a degree. Nevertheless, Deirdre forced a half-smile and greet her comrade in the same cheerful tone she'd used with the elf. [color=ed1c24]"Hail comrade! You look as though you've downed one to many tankards?"[/color] The question was rhetorical of course, from a moment's observation it was clear that the man to whom Deirdre was now speaking was thoroughly intoxicated. She wondered absently if he'd even be able to fend for himself in the case of a sudden attack in such a state? Before she could wander too far down this train of thought another companion from the band joined them, this time with a much more serious look on his face. It was Raven, their so-called leader and the namesake of the band. Deirdre herself had made conversed with the man only a handful of times, though she'd seen him more often than such. In a way they still had yet to know one another and this hesitancy was much more apparent than with Thanneth or Eros. [i][color=00aeef]“Am I the only one that heard that? It sounded like a high pitch inhuman wail of some sort.”[/color][/i] There was a moment's pause as Deirdre remained silent, looking to the others to see if they'd heard the sound. [i][color=00aeef]“I need to have a word with the mayor before we leave, we are going to investigate that sound just to clear my mind.” [/color][/i] As soon as the orders were given Deirdre rose to her feet, hands pressed against the simple cloth garments that clad her form, unique only in their distinct patterns and splashed of dull green and blue. Moving away from the group it took only a minute or so the reach the village stables, the woman's rough hands rising against the now tattered hide of Lowain's haversack. The horse responded to its rider's approach with a curious whiny, though in her haste Deirdre paused a moment before responding, too busy pulling off her top vestments, replacing them with a shirt of mail before retying the cloth atop. [color=ed1c24]"Peace, I'll be back shortly. . ."[/color] Retrieving her bow and sidearm Deirdre's nimble fingers wasted only a second or so more untying the reigns of her mount from the nearby pole. Lowain was well trained and knew this new-found freedom was not to be abused, only utilized in cases of emergency or when a speedy exit was required. Patting the horse's side twice Deirdre made haste returning to the group, this time completely ready with her armor and armaments. By about the same time Raven seemed to have concluded his business with the mayor, leading the squad away from the town to investigate the expansive wilds that lay beyond. It was a good time before their investigations produced anything of worth; a long trek in the woods brought nothing but mist and cold air. It was only when they approached the northern road that Raven made known verbally the results of his scouting. [color=00aeef][i]“Look, the road to the north west has riders who approach.”[/i][/color] Immediately Deirdre went on the alert, body pulling closer to the protection of a nearby tree as her cold, obsidian eyes swiveled to observe the appointed area. Indeed it was true, a number of dark riders, cloaked and hooded, galloped down the road at blinding speeds which seemed almost impossible at second glance. With each passing moment the beating hooves of their ethereal mounts rang out louder and louder in the ears of the experienced rider. [color=00aeef][i]“Everyone hide, into the forest!"[/i][/color] Deirdre obeyed without delay, having little interest in attracting the attention of the decidedly macabre riders. Sucking in air through her lips the bow mistress pulled herself flat against the backside of the tree, leaning hard into the cold oak. Her eyes closed briefly as a wave of freezing air washed over her like a tidal current, soaking her body all the way to the bone with some demonic chill. [color=ed1c24]"Orome protect me."[/color] The words seemed to leave her lips uncontrollably and at an inaudible whisper.