[quote=Kurisa] Kurisa was sat in his office dealing with mountains of paperwork and he was clearing it with incredible speed but this ground to a halt when an unfamiliar spiritual energy entered the Squad 6 barracks "A new recruit?" Kurisa looked up from his desk and to his door and awaited the persons arrival...he wanted to see if what he thought was right...it seemed a lot more people were joining Squad 6 these days which was good...very good...it meant that all the rogue Shinigami that have been roaming around for a long time have less of a chance of escaping which always made his Squad as a whole look better [/quote] Kyo found a member of squad six and approached them. "Where is the captain's office?" he asked [i]Let Me Plaaayyyee[/i] the voice whined at him. "Sure just go down this hall and take a left." The member responded. He proceeded down the hallway. [i]Come oonnnn[/i] "No." He could be heard approaching down the hallway as he spoke to Sainan. [i]Come on. No one will be hurt this time. I will keep my temper down not like in the academy.[/i] "I said No you are very dangerous to bystandards. I know that is partially my fault but it shouldn't matter. You have the temperment of a five year old. [i]Yes I am fun. Whats wrong with that?[/i] He opened the door to the captains office just as she finished. "Captain I would like to join the sixth squad."