Struggling against the onslaught of the Forgotten, Skallagrim rose to his feet slowly, a nimbus of amethyst energies surrounding him as he faced N’Katya, who had entered the portal room. [color=f49ac2]“You have always been a fool.”[/color] The Forgotten murmured, raising the glaive again, the gleaming blade pointed at Skallagrim. “[color=8493ca]And you have always acted before you understood the situation completely.”[/color] Skallagrim said as he stepped around the hastily erected barricade. His sword shimmered as silver-blue lights raced up and down the length of it with such speed; it appeared to be made of the energy. [color=f49ac2]“You have lost Cughtagh, now give me the Key.”[/color] [color=8493ca]“It is too late N’Katya, the tendrils of fate are already pulling the two with the key halves away from this place. You cannot traverse any of these portals, they are attuned to my Aesr, you must kill me to get to them.”[/color] A howl of rage erupted from the winged horror as she rushed forward towards the skeletal being, who simply waited to engage her in combat.