[img]http://i592.photobucket.com/albums/tt7/Sara_Shadow/Other%20Anime/bleach-me.jpg[/img] Name: Miranda 'Miri' Taplin Age: 19. Powers: Atmokinesis. ( Weather Manipulation.) Weapons: Escrima Batons. Escrima Batons. They are a pair of Escrima batons based on the well known Escrima sticks that can be used for duel wielding in combat, These batons have a setting which can be switched on to administer a low to high voltage charge upon impact depending on the setting, They can be used as a standard duel wielding weapons that can subdue people, They can also be connected together to be used as a staff weapon. [hider=Bio:] Miranda was originally born in Europe and was the youngest of two siblings with her being the only girl, Although her mother was European, Her father was American. At the age of four the family decided to move over to America and settled in New Orleans, Louisiana. She grew up under the watchful eyes of her brother where she took a 'tough girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers she was weary of and bullies at a safe distance. Life was pretty normal for the most part although her brother was getting in trouble causing arguments within the house which was compounded by the fact the father was hardly home because of his work, Miranda was enrolled into the girl scouts. It was in her early teenage years that any first evidence of Miranda's abilities when her parents were arguing which really upset and annoyed the girl, It caused the area to have heavy rain which was quite consistent until her older brother came to cheer her up causing the rain to stop. From this moment on the rest of Miranda's teenage years were plagued with troubles, Although her brother got his life on track, He continued to get into arguments and the odd fight with his father for not spending as much time with the family as he should, Her father buried himself further into his work leaving Miranda feeling more and more disconnected when she needed her family most, Her Mother did the best she could to care and love her daughter, It was her that kept Miri safe and showed the better side of the family when there was not tension, Miranda tried to channel her aggression once when she got into a fight with her father, arguing, when she was angry at him, a hailstorm demolished his car. Her brother married and moved away, He was always a phone call or drive away when she needed him but it still tore her up inside when he left. Not long ago Miranda had a big scare when she was almost diagnosed with diabetes from the doctors, Fortunately it was only a scare but it was certainly enough for her to a few little changes, One of her long time friends was there for her like many times before, Out of trust and their long friendship, Miranda one time showed her friend her abilities by making it snow. Her friend what ever reason of her own reported Miranda to the authorities and it ended up being investigated by the government. Miranda was eventually caught during a night raid by the military and before being tranquillized and subdued, Miranda managed to knocked one member of personal back with a strong wind and struck another with Lightning, Injuring but not killing the man. Being taken to a military facility temporarily, They ran tests on the sedated teen before the decision was made to take her to Miss Dawson's home for the truly gifted.[/hider] Dreams/Wishes: Her biggest wish or dream is freedom, it is something she would love to enjoy and feel once again, To be able to see her family again, To escape Miss, Dawson's home, Even if it is a nice big place, Or even just bring the forcefield down. Evil, Good, Walking the Line: Mostly leaning towards good, Despite her experiences that lead her to being stuck in Miss Dawson's home, She may tend to walk the line at times depending on her moods and situation. Siblings (If Any): A single Brother. ( Normal.) Pets (If Any): None worth noting.