[center][color=#008B8B][b][h3]Addylyn[/h3][/b][/color][/center] A plain room with no decoration to speak of adorning its walls housed a small and simple bed. On it, in a pile of crumpled sheets lie our Addylyn. Tossing, she rolled from one side to another, the sheet sliding off of her frame and tumbling to the floor. A groan of disappointment escaped her lips as the cold bite of morning crawled over her skin. Begrudgingly, she rolled out of bed, stretching out the aches in her muscles. In slow motion, she pulled on her clothing, the dark blue colors contrasting with her pale, fair skin. Gingerly, she ran her fingers through her dark hair, groaning from the few but complicated tangles she had to work through. She strode across the room and glanced out of the tall pane window, peeking down into the marketplace below. And as she watched, she hoped with all her might that today would be the day. The day she could leave this life behind.