Thanneth rolled her eyes at Eros's drunken rambling. He had missed something vital in their conversation, and she had no desire to enlighten him. Then Raven joined their table. After their recent battle, she respected his talents as a leader and warrior. [color=00aeef]“Am I the only one that heard that? It sounded like a high pitch inhuman wail of some sort.”[/color] Thanneth nodded silently, surprised that Raven had heard. She had thought herself the only one to hear, and was about to tell Raven about it when he beat her to the punch. [color=00aeef]“I need to have a word with the mayor before we leave, we are going to investigate that sound just to clear my mind.” [/color] As Raven went to speak with the mayor, Thanneth hurried to put on her armor, or at least some of it. She pulled on a shirt of elven mail, covering it with a thin tunic, tied tight to muffle the noise of sliding rings. Covering her bare feet with brown leather boots, she hurried back in time to set off with the rest of them. It was quite some time before anything came of their search, but when Raven said to get back into the forest, she obeyed quickly and silently. There was something wrong about those riders. Then they passed, and the elf felt the miasma of terror they left in their wake. "A Elbereth Gilthoniel o menel palan-diriel, le nallon sí di'nguruthos! A tiro nin, Fanuilos!" Thanneth recited under her breath. [i]O Elbereth Starkindler, from heaven gazing afar, to thee I cry now beneath the shadow of death! O look towards me, Everwhite![/i] "The Nine! It cannot be!"