The beast pounded closer and closer. He could feel the heat move off of himself. The Titanic being was about to exact its revenge. He knew that what he was about to do was going to change everything, and he could finally end the horror. He had control. He was a different Titan. Grant was no longer Grant Trinity. Still G.T...The Grim Titan was reborn. He moved closer and closer, as he began to see the horse pick up some speed again. It was clear now. He'd been spotted moving so quickly. She must be frightened. Her dead friend Nira back from the dead, as it would seem. He growled with pleasure as he pursued. He was much faster, much more energetic and had better reflexes than any human could ever imagine. It made his Hand-to-hand combat so precise. It made him a monster, and at times like these...he loved it. A body ejected off of the horse, as his claws swiped downwards. The shattered ground flipped the horse onto its side, only toppling it over as much as injuries go. He saw it swing around him. Hope. [color=007236][i]'There's no escape now!'[/i][/color] His teeth snapped shut as the Grim Titan attempted to bite her out of the sky. He wanted her dead, as he wanted redemption. The sword-like bone only just missed the swinging female. He snarled deeply. It was all happening so fast that there was little ways to describe it in detail. In such huge motion, he flipped his body around in an About-Turn. He saw her. She was standing on a tree, about 13 meters in height. It was about a third of the size of the Grim, yet he could clearly see her. Moving slowly, his head began to lower in front of the branch she stood on. A large gust of wind and heat pushed against her as her cloak fluttered on her back, acting like wings of death. The face was now point blank. If he held it, he could use the element of surprise. He could use his unstoppable reflex to crush her beneath his own monstrous jaws and end her once and for all. Steam snarled sharply from his nostrils and skin. The deathly creature moved closer. He was now face to face with his foe. And he waited. He could strike! [color=007236][i]'ASARTHA! STOP HOLDING ME BACK!'[/i][/color]