[@Zombehs] I'll review your CS a bit more closely on my next break. I've put together some information about the different locations in Coake. It's not quite finished and a bit rough, but it will be complete (and fully proof-read) soon. Just wanted to throw up what I have so you guys can work with it so please forgive me of any spelling errors: [h3][b]Frel[/b][/h3]A wealthy city located on the eastern peninsula of Coake, Frel has always been most known for it's nonsensical frippery. Nowadays, the people of Frel have somehow found a way to maintain their pride and pomposity in light of the kingdom's tragic circumstances. They have also enjoyed the luxury of being far away from the Realm of Spiritus Raptor and were one of the first cities to surrender when the attack began. In the end, this saved many lives within Frel, but because of this, many harbor contempt for the 'City of Glitter'. That being said, Frel has never been known for it's sturdy military. Jousting tournaments and other such competitions are often held there, but jousting and amazing displays of athletic skill do not always translate so well into bravery and valor in the thick of a bloody war. Nonetheless, this is just a stigma. Of course, not everyone in Frel is like that and despite it's laughable reputation, it's a lovely place to visit (if one can afford) and the only place one can purchase artifacts from other far away kingdoms. [h3][b]Diedremere[/b][/h3]A small, humble village at the base of the mountains, Diedremere is inhabited mostly by farmers, hunters, and miners who make their living by selling their goods to Jeorva and Frel. There is not very much to be said about Diedremere nor the people that live there-- and that's just fine with them. [h3][b]Inisad[/b][/h3]A boggling frustration for many, the name of the island is Inisad, as well as the name of it's capital (if you could call a small stick hut village a capital). The islanders of Inisad seem almost like they're in a world of their own with strange customs and ways of speaking in spite of many past efforts to colonize and 'refine' their way of living. They pay homage to Laureleen, the Goddess of the Aisle who they claim is responsible for cleansing the waters that allow safe passage the mainland to the north, east, and west. They are a people with a deep love and respect for the land. [h3][b]Jeorva[/b][/h3]A wealthy trading town (though not nearly as wealthy as Frel). Jeorva is most known for it's college, sculpting some of the brightest minds in Coake. Jeorva, being located on the trade route to Frel, has always acted as the last stop for many traveling merchants delivering their wares. [h3][b]Jeorvo[/b][/h3]The brother town of Jeorva. The story goes that two wealthy twins set off to seek their fortunes hundreds of years ago and decided to make a competition out of who could found the greatest town. Jeorvo came out as the butt of that joke. Jeorvo is a wealthy fishing town, but instead of cultivating a happy, balanced economy, the wealthy are ridiculously wealthy and the poor are ridiculously poor. The war only made matters worse as the wealthy fled to Frel with their riches and wagons for safety-- leaving the peasants to fend for themselves. Many peasants live in indenturement to the wealthy citizens of the town. The crime rate is also deplorably high. [h3][b]Periset[/b][/h3]A desert fortress inhabited by a sturdy people who are well adapted to the harsh climate in which they live. (more information to come, but for now... think Gerudo Fortress with an equal balance of males and females) [h3][b]Vevian[/b][/h3]Once known for it's magnificent church and for being the starting point of all pilgrimages up into the Wisdom Mountains, Vevian is now a broken city. It sits precariously close to the Realm of Spiritus Raptor and is plagued by frequent visits from orcs and goblins from the sorcerer and sorceress' army. They steal, murder, and rape and the citizens of the town suffer a great deal because of it. Many have tried to leave, but the safe passages through the mountains are all guarded by military outposts occupied with soldiers who would just as soon play a game of darts with their corpses than allow them safe passage. Those who try to avoid the outposts are often rumored to fall victim to the monsters of the mountain. [h3][b]Xaviar[/b][/h3]Once known as the Pearl of King Antony's kingdom, Xaviar's sturdy walls withstood the onslaught of attacks from the evil sorcerer and sorceress during the war-- but, alas-- the inhabitants did not. It is now a haunting place with tall castle walls scorched with dragon fire and the silhouettes of dead of men. Bones and blood litter the grounds. It is the ultimate symbol of how utterly defeated the kingdom of man had been. The few survivors from Xavier escaped to Vevian. Some were rumored to have escaped to the Desert of the Lost, but it is believed that those refugees perished before they ever reached Periset. [h3][b]The Crimson Sea[/b][/h3]Also known as The Shortcut to Death, the Crimson Sea is overflowing with sea monsters of every variety. It envelopes the entire south eastern quadrant, settling just south of Inisad. Not even the sorcerer or sorceress, nor their armies, would dare cross it. (This will be added to the map with the creation of the OOC) [h3][b]The Wisdom Mountains[/b][/h3]Before the war, monks often began their pilgrimage in Vevian, traveling up into the mountains and meditating at the monastery beside the small lake. Very few still make the journey, as they have to get past the military outposts that now obstruct the safe passages up into the mountains. Without the safety of the path, many travelers risk encountering dangerous beasts. Exactly what kind of beasts inhabit the mountains remains a mystery. Very few who encounter such monsters live to tell the tale and survivors are rarely sane. [h3][b]The Desert of the Lost[/b][/h3]The Desert of No Return, the Desert of Death, the Desert of Bones-- it is known by many names throughout Coake, but there one thing about the desert that all citizens of Coake are in agreement about. One does not venture into that desert unless one wants to die. [h3][b]The Realm of Spiritus Raptor[/b][/h3](More information to come...)