Divine providence was a strange thing. Though the myriad of small gods Seki served and cared for were weak, nigh powerless, they were nonetheless demanding. Many, in ages long past and forgotten, had been lawgivers. Protectors. Guardians. The things people looking out the entrance to their dwelling in the dark of night, imagining a countless number of evils and dangers, wished for in a god. Their diminished status had not changed this nature, and in times they worked together to meddle. A whisper of an idea here and there, setting up signs that they trusted their devoted follower to interpret correctly. Gently leading him down the path to where he needed to be. Seki had no idea if that was the case in this instance, but so used was he to this type of meddling that when he heard something such as a scream that contained all the markings of a cry for help he was primed to believe that he had been meant to hear it. "Please excuse me." He said hastily to the dwarf as he shouldered past the man that had cut him in line and vaulted over the counter and into the back. He spotted the man who must have yelled almost instantly (only an orc could make that much noise) but it took him another moment to realize what was happening. He'd never been in the back of a smithy before, but it surly wasn't that unusual to walk around with weapons? No, no, that wasn't right. From the way they were moving... It dawned on Seki that the orc was under attack, and in that moment he spun his staff up into one hand and threw it like a javelin at the nearest attacker before taking off at a dead run toward him to follow up with a flying knee.