[center][h2]Hall of Dreamers[/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojL5Y5HvOlE]Theme[/url][/center] At some point in time Aquilan could not remember all too well, the entire pocket plane the tournament lobby had been housed within exploded into chaos. As complete pandemonium spread he and Faoesia barely managed to avoid the numerous skirmishes that had started sprouting across the lobby. He and Faoesia had been lucky thus far, fighting off the uncommon straggler now and again. Neither had been chosen for an escort lightly after all. However it seemed their luck had been drawn short as a group of Forgotten had cut them off during their beeline for the Grand Hall where the fighting was fiercest. Aquilan stood with his back against Faoesia, a stream of blue liquid flowing before him, while violet energy pulsed and glowed around Faoesia’s hands. Both had a few bruises from the fighting, Aquilan sporting a large gash across his chest where a black blade of energy had cut through his light armored chest plate. Forgotten surrounded the two with bodies of both staff and Forgotten littered around them. Faoesia spat out a mix of blood and saliva then said, [color=ec008c]“Damn if I’m going to die in a place like this.”[/color] Aquilan gurnted, a smile on his face. [color=00aeef]“Come now princess, you can’t be giving up that easily.”[/color] Faoesia, [color=ec008c]“Like hell.”[/color] One of the Forgotten laughed as he edged forward from the circle of beasts surrounding the two. His ebony black horns sweeping back over his skull as a equally black tongue licked his lips before saying, “Fool mortals, there is nowhere to run now! You will be the first sacrifices to the rise of the great Lord of Nightmares!” Suddenly there was the sound of an explosion from above, causing some among the horde to flinch or covering their heads with their wings fearing some attack from above. None was forthcoming, however, only a peculiar rain of black ashes falling like petals of a dead flower from on high. The Forgotten were confused for only a moment, some shrugging as they brought their attention back to the pair before them. Both now had a wide smile of new found confidence. The Forgotten who had spoken before growled in annoyance. “And just what is so damn funny?” Aquilan only shrugged a shoulder in response and said, [color=00aeef]“Oh, nothing, a good day to die don’t you agree?”[/color] The Forgotten hissed in anger and charged forward. Or tried to as only a moment later he stopped in place suddenly and shuddered as he cough up blood. A cloaked figure was crouched before him where there had been no one before. Khanza slowly stood to his feet brushing off dust from his cape with his free left hand. “Who are you?!” One of the now dead forgotten creature’s comrades demanded. [color=black]“I believe that’s my line.”[/color] Tablurath responded calmly. Enraged the two more charged forward seeking to rend this man's flesh from his bones. The crackling black blades of melting shadow seeming to grow in power and size menacingly. A sharp flick from Tablurath right arm sent his sword up in an arch. Meeting with a cluster of black mist which swept upward as it formed into a duplicate of his sword. The blade swept upwards in a spinning circle into the cloud of black mist above them. The strange maneuver caught the first Forgotten off guard, stalling his forward charge momentarily. A moment was all the Cardinal needed. [color=black]“Look toward heaven,”[/color] He sent his sword through the creature's throat, its path slicing through the creature's own weapon as well with ease as it ceased to exist. The being's head flew from its body hitting the ground some feet behind it to roll away before the body fell to its knees. [color=black]“And I strike from earth.”[/color] Another Forgotten flew toward him from the left, it swept its black blade into a horizontal swing. Cutting through open air where the Cardinal had been moments ago. His eyes widened in shock and confusion. [color=black]“Look to earth.”[/color] High above his attacker Tablurath held his cloned blade from earlier now high above his opponents. He then accelerated down once more, effectively cutting that Forgotten in half cleanly. [color=black]“And I strike from Heaven.”[/color] The remaining Forgotten had become more wary suddenly as they began to realize they faced no normal mortal. Landing on one knee Tablurath placed his open left palm on the ground. More swords fell from above as mibs began constructing more of them from an earlier series of arching spins. [color=black]“Ash Slayer Art, [i]Dead Zone[/i].”[/color] Tablurath’s form became blurred suddenly before he vanished all together. The Forgotten in the rain of ash and swords began to jerk widely as jets of blood erupted from their bodies in every direction. A blur barely visibly among the carnage, the falling ash slowly thinning as more swords began forming from every new swing. Effectively creating a killing zone without par. Only Faoesia and Aquilan remained unfazed in the eye of the storm of flashing steel. When the last of the ash had vanished Tablurath reappeared in a crouch. He slowly stood to his feet as he swept Serenity to one side to clear some of the black blood that had collected on it; before sheathing it at his hip. The Forgotten slowly slide to pieces around him as they literally fell apart. He turned to his two comrades as he tried to brush some offal off his shoulder plate. [color=black]“Well… that was hardly the reception I was expecting when I returned.[/color]” Aquilan straightened up as the blue liquid he had formed slowly receded into the ground. [color=00aeef]“Can’t say it was planned. Seems our host has a few unwanted guests. When things went south I sent out a signal to HQ,”[/color] The Cardinal was surprised at this news. [color=black]“I had believed this place beyond their reach?”[/color] [color=00aeef]“Not precisely true, we had no idea where this place was, now that we have a signal and coordinates I expect the Angar-Rylla will soon be making their move, once both parties here had beaten each other halfway into the grave.”[/color] [color=black]“Then the plan is proceeding apace, things are about to get even more interesting.”[/color] Tablurath nodded as he closed his eyes. [color=black]“Any word of my next matc-”[/color] Before the Cardinal could finish he suddenly was swept up into a pillar of light before he vanished. Faoesia frowned, [color=ec008c]“Well that was annoying. I guess that skeleton wants things to continue after all.”[/color] Aquilan sighed, [color=00aeef]“Yes...still scares me how spot on Tablurath’s predictions are though…”[/color]