[hider=Sin/Nanna] [b]God Name[/b]: Sin, a.k.a. Su'en, Nanna, Nanna-Su'en, En-zu [b]Mortal Name[/b]: Sebastian [b]Origin/God of[/b]: Mesopotamian god of wisdom and the moon [b]Appearance[/b]: Male, white, 180cm tall, and reasonably muscular (if apparently flagging from old age), with grey hair in a combover, a well-groomed and pointed beard running down to his solar plexus, and pale grey eyes. Wears a lapis blue businessman's suit over a white cotton shirt and blue-and-black checked tie, as well as darker blue socks and black shoes, all of apparently very high-quality build and tailor, as though he had spent an exorbitant amount of money upon them. [b]God history[/b]: [url=http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/amgg/listofdeities/nannasuen/]Infodump.[/url] [b]Personality[/b]: Sin/Sebastian tends to be fairly friendly to most people, seeing no reason not to be when they've done him no particular wrong. In combination with a very significant amount of knowledge and instinctive ability to use that knowledge, he tends to naturally find himself in a leaderly position in any groups he is part of, and will often try to plan out tactics and strategies for anyone he is travelling with before any major actions are engaged in. That being said, he is definitely not a fighter, and will tend to stay back and perhaps give orders when a fight does break out, though he won't outright run from such a situation unless he is actively threatened with no reasonable defense. [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: None specifically, though his superb knowledge regarding various subjects is not to be scoffed at. However, he does own a winged bull that is about as potentially lethal as any normal bull and can of course fly quite well even whilst carrying his weight; occasionally, he may also summon a sickle to wield on account of his association with the crescent moon, though this is evidently not the greatest weapon in existence, being intended as a farming tool, and will generally only be brought out as a last resort. [b]Relationships/friendships[/b]: Enlil (father), Ninlil (mother), Ningal (wife), Utu, Shamash (sons), Inanna, Ishtar (daughters) [/hider] [hider=Marduk] [b]God Name[/b]: Marduk, a.k.a. Martuk, Marutuk, amar-Utu (solar calf), Merodach, Mardochaios, Mĕrôdāk, Marōdak, Bel and variations therein (lord); various additional names to the number of fifty [b]Mortal Name[/b]: Jonathan [b]Origin/God of[/b]: Mesopotamian god of water, vegetation, judgement, and magic; patron deity of the city of Babylon. Different pantheon to Sin. [b]Appearance[/b]: Male, white, 185cm tall, and extremely well-toned, with slicked-back black hair, a clean-shaven face, and piercing green eyes. Wears a black businessman's suit and tie, alongside a white shirt, white socks, and black shoes, all of apparently very high-quality build and tailor, as though a large sum of money had been spent on them. [b]God history:[/b] [url=http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/amgg/listofdeities/marduk/]Infodump.[/url] [b]Personality[/b]: Marduk/Jonathan is a surprisingly aggressive fellow. What little he presently remembers of his past has him being a leader and a conquerer, and this shows in his actions - though he is typically a "good guy" within his own stories, he is currently quick to anger, quick to judge, and very quick to lash out if insulted. That being said, he does try to be civil to the best of his abilities, and is a surprisingly capable warrior-leader, though his rather expansionistic past has resulted in a desire to always have more; as a deity for whom "more" translates to "everything everywhere" without any particular distinction or the present power to acquire such, he can often be found training his abilities and fighting skill, and will often be found flirting or coming on to both men and women when he is not doing either of these. [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: Marduk's weapons are many and varied. The more mundane of his weapons include a bow and arrows, a mace, a spade, and a net that seems to be capable of growing to whatever size is needed to ensnare a foe, whilst his more magic-oriented weapons include a storm-chariot drawn by four poison-mouthed horses (specifically, they may spit a terrifically strong necrotic venom at foes or bite them to inject it), and magical control over many elemental forces such as lightning, fire, wind and water, which he can weave into a variety of forms, with specific powers being the capacity to trap others with wind, resistance or even immunity to poison, and the capacity to "fill himself" with a given element, and thus transform into something like what modern-day humans would refer to as an elemental. His strongest magics, including storm winds such as tornadoes and his ultimate power of the rain-flood, as well as his additional symbol of a snake-dragon capable of flight and fire-breathing amongst other traits, are currently inaccessible to him, but he is nevertheless a force to be reckoned with, especially since he may also summon unto himself the Tablet of Destinies, something intended to grant control over all the universe to whosoever wields it... and which currently seems to be a dead lump of cooked clay, unfortunately. Or maybe it always was, and was just a legal document stating that the owner legally ruled the universe; he's not quite sure at this point in time, but he is sure that its legal ramifications are meaningless in the world's current state, so he doesn't typically bring it out. Y'know, just in case. [b]Relationships/friendships[/b]: Ea (father and successor as pantheon head), Damkina (mother), Ṣarpanitum (wife), Nabu (son and co-regent), Ashur (rival), Tiamat and Kingu (enemies, previously defeated in battle) [b]Other[/b]: As he remembers more of his history, Marduk may well end up becoming a more balanced individual personality-wise. Or maybe he won't. We simply don't know. [/hider]