God Name: Ymir Mortal Name: Yash Origin/God of: Norse/ god of dwarfs, 4 elements, elemental poison, the ocean, midgard (to some extent), earth, the hills, the trees, the clouds and the heavens (sky). Also could be protector of the world since his eyelashes surrounded the world keeping the giants out. Father of the Jotuns. Appearance: Brown hair (front will get gradually more green as it goes). Earth brown skin. Blue blood. Earth coloured eyebrows (cause they made midgard from them). Orange eyes (that start glowing as it goes). God history: gly.uga.edu/railsback/CS/CSOdin&Ymir.h.. pitt.edu/~dash/creation.html Personality: Has some instictual feeling that makes him wary of norse gods. He can tip from being calm to being very angry in an instant. He loves the earth. Weapon(s) : None Relationships/friendships: Other: God Name: Apep Mortal Name: Ash Origin/God of: Egyptian/Primordial Serpent of chaos Appearance: Snake like red eyes. Tall and thin but very muscular. Bald. Canines (they will slowly get bigger and more snake like as the rp goes along and maybe some of the molars get more canine like as well. God history: ancientegyptonline.co.uk/apep.html Personality: Messy and unreliable. Loves cold or clowdy days hates seeing the sun in the sky. Weapon(s) : Teeth. Evil Eye Of Apep Relationships/friendships: Other: