[@Punished Homura] [s]...It was probably a good thing thing that Nanase had some dice in her room. That way she could roll for Sanity Loss and see whether or not she would end up a blubbering mess on the floor.[/s] In the corner of the room, the Gerbil began running around in its glass cage frantically, knowing just as well as Nanase herself that something had gone terribly wrong. She had not, really, intended to summon Nyarlathotep. The ritual circle and the "summons" she used were both from the internet, just something she put together randomly to try and appease boredom. There was no way they could be "correct", now, would it? No, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. No matter how "inaccurate" her methods were, if she had caught the attention of Nyarlathotep then the Crawling Chaos would come, no matter what. The method didn't matter; all that mattered was whether or not the Outer God, so far above human understanding and comprehension, would be amused or bored enough to humor the human. With the sudden realization that maybe, just maybe, something far beyond her wildest imaginations was happening, she slowly approached the painting, her eyes a mixture of terrified and open wonder. Was she really in the presence of the Crawling Chaos? Has she really caught its attention?