Hey everyone I've been thinking of making a roleplay based around the anime known as Akame Ga Kill but in an alternate universe setting as to let OC's come into play and to change things up so it isn't so one sided in favor of the rebels being the completely justified side. However I've run into a road bump and am not sure how people would like to do this. If it is also worth mentioning to some that I have not completely finished watching the anime as I've been following the story on the cartoon network block called Toonami so I not know everything there is to know about the series. Now with that disclaimer out of the way I would also like to state I intend for this roleplay to be a solid casual level roleplay. I can possibly go higher to high casual but I intend to stick to my guns in not going any lower so anything short of a paragraph and a half per post and a fairly fleshed out CS (in depth and length) will not get accepted by me personally in this situation. However if you still want to help plan this roleplay without participating in it than that is fine as well. Just say so before you post. If someone needs an example of what I expect I will post a link to a few of my older roleplays on this site. My first concern is what side players will want to be on. Will we be playing the stand ins for the night raid group with the main protagonists do in the anime? Or will we be operating under the Imperial Army working to wipe out enemies of a certain figure head be it the emperor or some general. Or perhaps go after both sides and work as a neutral Assassins Guild determined to survive the chaos by thriving in it. Or should we just go back to the start of the rebellion and act as it's figure heads in starting it? Or perhaps work as a faction inside of the Imperial Monarchy looking to take over the Empire from within? I'm willing to listen to any other suggestions on the matter. My second concern is imperial arms: Will we allow or disallow these? What limits should we impose on them? I am a firm believer that overpowered characters and weapons ruin what could be fun roleplays by turning tough or hard situations into strolls through a park. It's like power leveling in a role playing game based around stats eventually you're just walking through what should be hard bosses and blowing them out of the water with your ground breaking powers. Imperial Arms can make or break a roleplay like this so I feel limiting them should be a thing. Third: How much do we want to get political on this? Do we want to make it a primary focus or is it just a background thing explaining why we're murdering all of these people? With all of these answered I can't think of any other problems I may or may not have in making a roleplay like this. I'm up to suggestions and am looking forward to (hopefully) positive feedback on making this roleplay come alive.