[@Aisling] [@Demon Grave] Hearing out Avalon as she was explaining about her parents and the recipe and wanting to change the subject, Imarir gave her a pat on the shoulder to let her know that things will be alright. Being one of more experienced students, Imarir had the privilege to sorta look out for the newer students. When John had them walk into the room with weaponry and explained how the test would go, which was something Imarir already knew the rules to, he silently waited to the side. He didn't mind being in any round but when it comes a time to do the tag team test, Imarir was looking to either team with Avalon or Fenris. He thought of Avalon to see what her capabilities were and to show her that she could still be useful and he thought of Fenris for the fact that watching an ice mage work, would be awesome to witness. From what Febris just asked, Imarir shrugged [color=ed1c24]Go ahead my friend, I can only speak for myself to say that it will not bother me none...[/color] he retorts with a smile. Imarir thought also that there was no need in him choosing a weapon from the wall since he could just summon his own.