[@Bad Weather] of COURSE i will have you! well, as for characters and what's NEEDED is whatever YOU want to make! ; ) [@Nightraider] 1) finally! someone asked about it! to answer this one; both yes and no. while the arcana demense is an institution for mages of all sorts, it is NOT an official guild. it's mostly a place dedicated to the understanding of magic and the betterment of mages and their crafts. 2) there's no officially recognized age of adulthood, so anyone can BECOME an adventurer; though, admittedly, there would be eyebrows raised about someone younger than (let's say) 12 or so applying to become one. if there weren't already something in place to determine how we're all gonna end up in a guild, i'd say that most guilds would be picky about letting yunngins in. 3) yeah, they're all different ages. oldest to youngest; attenia, drasil, meita, volance. i haven't exactly decided on HOW old they all are, but i'll spit some quick estimations (again, in the order above) ~800, ~650, ~400, ~120. if you'd prefer more detailed answers, i can provide those. thanks for offering to help! (and the compliment of potential.) i don't mind if you wanna brainstorm together or something, but let's take it to a pm. easier that way for me! i've got a lot of stuff already figured out, but, honestly, i haven't written it down bc a lot of it lacks relevance to what we'll be doing. (that and i'm lazy, sometimes...and still have a lot to do for elise.) quick edit; also, anyone curious about drasilian currency. it's wooden disks, each with the essian mare inscribed on them. they're tiered by value, obviously; copper, silver, gold. pretty standard system. 50 copper to a silver, 25 silver to a gold. i'll go add that in, somewhere, in the drasilian info entry. RIGHT. NOW.