[@King Tai] [color=deepskyblue][center][b][h1]Jag[/h1][/b][/center][/color][center][sup][i]City Streets (Beside Grukk - Blacksmith Shop) Morning[/i][/sup][/center][center][hider=Jag's Information][center][hr][hider=CS][h2][b]Basic Info[/b][/h2][b]Name[/b]: Jag Durwin[hider=Appearance][URL=http://s1039.photobucket.com/user/ZayZe-/media/Immortal%20RP/Characters/Jag_zpshisryvuh.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1039.photobucket.com/albums/a477/ZayZe-/Immortal%20RP/Characters/Jag_zpshisryvuh.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider][hider=Personality/Sexual Orientation][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3]He's usually calm. Learning from experience and age, that rash decisions aren't always the best. Being emotional can get you into trouble. He's not always in control of his emotions, but it's rare for him to waiver from logical decisions. [h3][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/h3]He's straight, romance isn't always the first thing on his mind, as he's an ambitious man. He's confident, and loving. His first priority is to make sure his woman's mental state is okay, then he feels secure enough to move on with his own plans and goals. He's usually not one to cause problems in relationships, due to his cool demeanor, and lack of being very emotional. He's a man, not some sissy that complains about everything.[/hider][b]Age[/b]: 321 (Looks 21) [b]Race/Species[/b]: Elf [b]Class[/b]: Expert Swordsman/Ranger [b]Height[/b]: 5'10" [b]Weight[/b]: 210 (Lean Muscle) [hider=Deeper Character Sheet][sub][i]To be edited[/i][/sub] [b]Socioeconomic Level as a child[/b]: Commoner [b]Socioeconomic Level as an adult[/b]: Commoner [b]Hometown[/b]: N/A [b]Current Residence[/b]: N/A [b]Occupation[/b]: N/A [b]Income[/b]: N/A [h2][b]Relationships with other characters[/b][/h2]1. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel). 2. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel). 3. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel). 4. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel).[/hider][hr][/hider][/center][center][hider=Status][sup][color=39b54a]Health - Great[/color] // [color=0054a6]Mana - Full[/color] [i][color=f9ad81]State of Mind - Clear[/color] // [color=82ca9d]Balance - Normal[/color][/i] [color=fff200]Gold - 34 [/color]// [color=fff200]Energy Level - Average[/color] Hunger - Full // Thirst - Quenched[/sup][/hider][/center][center][hider=Skills/Feats][sup][i] Skill levels 1-20 = Basic 21-40 = Intermediate 41-60 = Advanced 61-80 = Expert 81-100 = Master[hr]Combat: Archery - 71 // Boxing - 55 // Wrestling - 78 // One-Handed Sword - 83 Agriculture/Agronomy - 22 // Analysis - 52 // Animal Handling - 41 // Camping - 75 // Cooking - 57 Knowledge Exotic Scythe - 42[/i][/sup][/hider][/center][center] [hider=Inventory][sup] [b]Equipped Items[/b] [color=00a99d]Casual Shirt[/color] / [color=00a99d]Chaps [/color]/ [color=00a99d]Longsword (Left Side)[/color] / [color=00a99d]Thick Leather Boots[/color] [b]Carried Items[/b] [color=39b54a]Rucksack[/color] / [color=39b54a]Knife [/color]/ [color=39b54a]Tent [/color]/ [color=39b54a]2 Torches[/color] / [color=39b54a]Paper and Quill[/color] / [color=39b54a]Rope [/color]/ [color=39b54a]Some clothes[/color] / [color=39b54a]Rations (7)[/color][/sup][/hider][/center][/hider][/center][hr][color=00aeef]"Sure, I'll wait along side you."[/color] Jag said waiting patiently. He wasn't really in a rush. Soon after he heard the starting of a fight, then what seemed to fully escalate into a fight. He was thankful he wasn't a part of it this time. He was busy doing other things. Jag's mind was focused on the future, not some street brawl.