Hunter felt like a total idiot, which would explain a lot of things. He almost flunked out of school, twice. He wasn't qualified to join the military because of his habit of trying to take action, and he wasn't an experienced enough mechanic to start working. School was really his only option. Though this week so far has proved to him a few things. 1) He had to stop drinking, he was making a lot of progress on that one. 2) Don't jump to conclusions, he had to think things out before he started taking action. 3) He had to make things right with out screwing things up. 4) He needed to control his emotions, they had been getting the better part of him most the week so far. Hunter looked at his hand, his right hand was shaking bad. He was able to make it stop after a bit, he was still worried about a lot still. Then Jareth mentioned something about a text for surfing, Hunter was wondering how he could explain why he didn't receive the text with out sounding like a total dick. "I would like to mention, I haven't had a service plan on my phone in over a month. Was too expensive and I could just use the Dorm's phone most the time. Or the phone I have been working on hooking to my computer set." He normally didn't like to mention on things he was cutting back on, but this one seemed reasonable. "Now, as for death? I would like to say Death is great in bed so don't go judging yet." Hunter did a small laugh before stopping from the pain. Grant looked at Hunter. "[i]I'm not gonna ask how you got yourself shot, but we do need to know how long till we can drag your dumb ass out of here.[/i]" He said to Hunter. Hunter wasn't sure what to say. He was going to keep the events to himself for as long as he could. Though he did think he could brighten he mood. "Let's go now!" Hunter attempted to get out of the medical bed, he was still in pain but he could get over it. "Let's just go, hang out at a bar or something in town, I'll buy and I promise I wont drink this time." He was going to try to promise, his will power also sucked. "Come on guys?" By this point he was standing, he was favoring one side over the other trying to keep pressure of his wound. Hunter looked out the window to the room. "If we do it right... This could be like a spy movie, where we sneak out of a prison of some kind and ride off into the sunset." He started to trail off a little. "Drive off into the sunset, forget about this shitty world for a bit...."