As Kei inched closer and closer towards the first floor town gates, he heard a voice not too far away.The voice was familiar and what the voice called out was all to familiar as well. From the male's mouth came the famed name 'Monster Fang' Kei stopped dead in his tracks before he shot around towards the direction of said voice. Halfway through his turn the same voice called out again but this time there was a small correction, instead of addressing Kei by 'Monster Fang' he used 'Keisuke.' Once Kei's full attention was on the source of the voice he immediately recognized two out of the three of them. It was the two males players he met not too long ago. It was an easy recognize since he had a basic idea of what their avatars had looked like that day.[color=ed1c24]「Hey just who I was looking for!」[/color]He didn't mind the fact he was called 'Monster Fang' he brushed it off and immediately walked towards the group. Once he was within a few meters of the group of players he noticed the unfamiliar face of the group.[color=ed1c24]「First it was that one blue haired girl, and now now a blonde one? Did you guys do something to anger her too?」[/color]Obviously he was kidding as he let out a light laugh before being hit with a question. It was about the blue haired one from the other day. Upon hearing the question Kei immediately shook his responding with a no and then followed up with another response.[color=ed1c24]「The last time I saw her was the last time you two saw her as well.」[/color]He shrugged before turning his head slightly to the other male that went by Eld. He looked as if he was deep in thought especially as he stared Kei down, at first Kei felt a bit awkward but immediately brushed it off as he did not want to cause an ordeal over something that was probably very insignificant. it was not long before Eld turned his attention away from Kei and to the girl he called Silver. He then opened his mouth and had said something about Kei's fame and how it had caused him to be targeted by a LC member. Kei immediately jumped up and said something.[color=ed1c24]「Hey now let's not scare her into thinking being anywhere near me means being targeted.」[/color]