[b]Name:[/b]Wynn Shaia [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Species:[/b] Catuman [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://kaiortmann.com/images/art/Cat_Warrior.jpg[/img] Wynn stands at 6'5 and often wears the unassuming robes of the Jedi. He wears a traditional warrior ear ring in honor of his ancestors. He has dark ginger colored fur and intimidating green eyes. He wields a blue lightsaber. [b]Force Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Force Sprint[/b] [*] [b]Force Pull/Push[/b] [*] [b]Force Wave[/b] [/list] [b]Non-Force Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Lightsaber Form IV- Ataru[/b] [*] [b]Lightsaber Form VII- Juyo[/b] [*] [b]Retractable Claws[/b]- In the early days of the Catuman race, when they were still primal and new, the cat race developed claws to hunt for food. This evolutionary trait remains to this day, though few Catuman use it. [*] [b]One with nature[/b]- As a Catuman, Wynn is extremely comfortable in the wilds and can adapt to any environment within minutes. [*] [b]Martial Expertise[/b]- The Catuman are a race of fighters, born for combat. Wynn is no different and his understanding of the force and Jedi training make him even more dangerous on the battlefield. [*] [b]Outdoorsman[/b]- Due to the extended studying of flora and fauna during his Padawan years, Wynn is very knowledgeable of many planet's environments. [*] [b]Skilled Strategist[/b]- Over the years of battle, Wynn has revealed himself to be a talented strategist. [/list] [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] Wynn is a quiet and intimidating person. He looks and listens more than he speaks. But he is notoriously intolerant of foolishness and deception. He will listen, but if he finds it pointless or sees it as a form of stalling he will cut it off. That being said, Wynn can be kind and loyal and often volunteers to be in the thick of the worst situations. He does struggle to keep his emotions in check, sometimes quick-tempered or perhaps too passionate about certain subjects, including battle. His species violent nature makes him especially susceptible to the temptations of the dark side. However he is strong willed and many have faith in his willpower against the dark side. [b]Biography:[/b] [hider=Early Life and Initiate Years]Wynn Shaia was born 47 BBY to a band of space-faring Catuman mercenaries. In 45 BBY, the convoy was attacked by an overwhelming force of pirates and many of the Catuman were taken as slaves, including Wynn. Those who refused to surrender were executed on the spot, this included Wynn's father. Wynn's mother had died during childbirth, so he was an orphan, but he was not alone. This band of mercenaries was much like a tribe, on giant family. So the now slaves looked after the infant Wynn as they were taken away from their convoy and home. They traveled for a year before something unexpected happened. An Ithorian Jedi boarded Wynn's slave ship. Then all of a sudden, they were all free, the Jedi had convinced the slavers to release them. While obviously grateful to the Jedi, they were less so towards the slavers. The Catuman slaves went into a rage, attacking the slavers. But the Ithorian had a way with words and convinced the Catumans to spare the slavers. They locked the salvers in their own pens and took control of the ship. Before the other slaver ships could realize what just happened, they jumped away to safety. Grateful to the Jedi, the mercenaries offered Wynn as a possible Jedi, who had showed signs of force sensitivity even at this early age. The Ithorian took him and returned to Coruscant so that Wynn could be enrolled in the Jedi training academy. Wynn's early initiate years will filled with...anger and disruption. His innate nature and his distress at being separated from a familiar place. At one point many of the teachers didn't think he would even make it to his 3rd year as a youngling. But with time, Wynn calmed down and started to excel at his studies. Wynn took his Initiate Trials in 37 BBY at 10 years old. He passed with flying colors and assembled a blue lightsaber of the Jedi Guardian. The first to congratulate him on his new Padawan rank was of course the Ithorian who found him, Master Worror Taldura. Master Taldura had occasionally guided Wynn whenever he strayed and though Wynn didn't understand how important that guidance was, he would in years to come.[/hider] [hider=Padawan Years]Wynn's master for the next 9 years would be a Gotal Jedi by the name of Fein Donos. Fein was an intelligent individual who preferred peaceful resolutions rather than violent ones, much like Master Taldura noted Wynn at the time. But looking back on it, Wynn could speculate that the force sent him these peaceful teachers in order to keep his violent nature in check. Wynn spent much of his Padawan years learning about the force in nature and learning defensive techniques and how to control his warrior instincts which even after years of conditioning still occasionally took over, as was apparent in one instance in 35 BBY. The duo was investigating a hidden slave trafficking ring on coruscant and even though he was young, Wynn could clearly remember the fear and despair he felt at his father's death and his family being locked up. So when that slaver made a move for his blaster, Wynn ended him without hesitation and proceeded to clear out all of his goons, leaving none of them alive. It was apparent to his master that Wynn was still susceptible to the dark side and needed guidance. After the investigation was over, they traveled to Endor study the wildlife and plant life. Fein had realized that Wynn was the most at peace when he was in the wilds and it was in the wilds that he would achieve true serenity. Throughout his Padawan years they would make many trips like this. But it was only when Wynn met the band of mercenaries he was born into in 29 BBY that he would finally achieve serenity. It wasn't planned of course, but Wynn received a message from Master Tuldura that he had found Wynn's family. Fein recognizing this as a chance for Wynn to gain some kind of closure agreed and they traveled to Tuldura's location. The meeting was surprisingly emotional for Catuman warriors. They held a feast in the Jedi's honor. That night was the first night where Wynn felt pure happiness. The good-byes the next day were heavy but when Fein looked over at Wynn as they boarded their ship, he knew Wynn had found peace.[/hider] [hider=Jedi Knight and Clone Wars] Wynn took his Jedi Trials in 28 BBY, they were grueling and challenged his inner most demons but he passed. He was now a full-fledged Jedi Knight. Over the next two years, Wynn travels to many primal planets to assist the local populations with their problems, taking in the wilderness and reflecting on his own species humble beginnings and where they are now. It was 25 BBY when he was asked to serve as a commander in the campaign against the Iridium pirates. The pirates once again reminded him of his days as an infant slave and he readily accepted the position. As Predicted, Masters Fein Donos and Worror Tuldura voiced their opinions but Wynn was set in his decision. Over the next 3 years, Wynn crusaded to capture or kill the pirates. Led by Kit Fisto, the crusade was a success, ending in 22 BBY. Shortly thereafter the Clone Wars officially had begun. Having demonstrated his battle prowess on many occasions, Wynn was once again offered a commanding position, only this time as a General. He accepted. Of course many Jedi could feel something coming, the battle of Naboo years earlier was a warning. If only enough people had paid attention. On the Chancellor's orders, Wynn operated in his assigned sector, hitting the droids with his troops whenever he could. He accomplished much with this new command and impressed the republic and order alike. After 3 long years of crusading against the droids, Wynn was relieved of his General's position and was ordered to return to Coruscant. There were rumors that Wynn would be promoted into a Jedi Master, but he didn't hold such delusions, it was just good to be out of a warzone for once. A shuttle will take him to the surface of coruscant shortly.[/hider] [b]Secrets:[/b] Catuman Mercenaries: Many assume Wynn is just an orphan, but very few know of his true origins. [b]Relations:[/b] [list] [*] Master Fein Donos- Former Master [*] Master Worror Tuldura- Friend and occasional teacher [*] Master Kit Fisto- Former Commanding Officer [*] Wynn has met many Jedi in his years of traveling and service [/list]