[color=ec008c][b] Mia Castillo: [/b][/color] Relic and Ancient Artifact thief and black market dealer, has a vast network of hunters among other things at her disposal. She is starting to lean toward feeling more compassionate about the fight for the seals, however, and re-thinking her way of life and has become choosier of what type of client she will work for nowadays because of the impending apocalypse and what that could mean for her and the rest of the world. [color=ec008c][b]Age:[/b][/color] 23 [color=ec008c][b]Species:[/b][/color]Human [color=ec008c][b]Gender:[/b][/color]Female [color=ec008c][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color]bi-sexual [color=ec008c][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] 5' 11, Curly brown hair with subtle natural highlights that is shaved on both sides, mostly worn down but in the occasional mow-hawk if she ever has down time, which doesn't happen often. She is a little thicker than an average girl, voluptuous one might say. She has gold-brown eyes with a green rim around the iris. She is medium complexion, being half Spanish. When she gets the rare occasion to dress as herself she is in band t-shirts and ripped jeans with converse, otherwise she is in any manner of disguise to suit her needs. [color=ec008c][b] Personality: [/b][/color] Sarcastic, and a bit of a lone wolf who has a problem working with others unless there's an angle involved in which she profits from(until recently). Despite her cold exterior, Mia is a compassionate soul, but she has seen enough to try and hide that from the world. She is very guarded most of the time, and has trouble letting down her walls. [color=ec008c][b]Backstory: [/b][/color]She grew up in a Foster family who was very wealthy, and home life wasn't exactly picture perfect. Her father was very cold and angry, and when home he was usually drunk. She rebelled against the world after her foster mother died and her foster father disappeared. She inherited their home and quite a bit of money after their death. After going through his things, she realized that he was into some very intriguing and mysterious businesses. She collected all of the relevant information to make herself proficient at spotting monsters and any way to profit that she could from Holy or Demonic relics. She researched quite a bit on her own, learning as much as she could about the supernatural. She began establishing contacts first from her father and then learned how to turn on the charm to collect more investors and information from the people she met- eventually making a wide network of hunters and many others. Her rolodex ran the gamut. She became quite the con-artist and makes a pretty comfortable living while knowing enough tricks to keep her out of harm’s way. She has recently begun collecting knowledge on hunting and has put down a few creatures on the way…(though quite a few times getting a trinket or two in the process) [color=ec008c][b]Extra:[/b][/color] Her alias and car change as fast as her hair does(and mostly, she's in wigs). Her preferred weapon is a pistol, though she is also proficient in throwing knives and decent in martial arts. She has begun hunting a bit solo, though she still has found a way to benefit from most of her kills so far (which are very few at this point)