Over the next few hours, Ling used the downtime to prepare more vials of potion. Another batch of Restoratives, plus a set of Acidic Disablers. Corrosive and painful on contact with bare skin, the Disabler was a recipe designed for combative Alchemists, to take an enemy out of the fight for a while or stop them from rushing towards the potioneer. Commander Hayes' rules were simple enough, and there was no sense in not following them - especially since he was in charge right now. Unfamiliar territory meant it was better to avoid drawing attention to oneself, Ling had thought as she made her preparations. Kei was secure in its holster, of course, but in the interest of wishing to appear more or less normal she had had to leave most of her potions in her room on the ship. There were only a couple on her belt, plus her knife. One green Disabler and one standard red Restorative. But they would have to suffice, lest she draw attention with her brightly coloured vials. And there was always the crossbow to do the heavy lifting. As the group entered the bar and found a table, Ling cast an eye about the place... and quickly found herself rather uncomfortable, for several reasons, with what appeared to be the theme. She averted her eyes from the waitresses and leering crowds, pulling the edge of her hat down a few inches to visibly block some things - and people - from her sight. So she cast her eyes downward, studying the tree-ring patterns in the wooden table. This was an odd place to be, she thought. More so if the reason for being here was to meet a particular someone. Wasn't a private parlour a better place for something like this? Or better yet, the ship they'd flown in on? Hayes presumably had a room to himself, what with being a Commander and all. Ling's musing was interrupted with the explosive introduction of the... mages. At least three. Using their power to intimidate, steal and kill for no reason other than because they could. She didn't see a way to draw Kei and ready it in the subdued bar without attracting attention. So she took the vial of acid from her belt, holding it in one hand under the table and looking to Hayes to see if he showed any signs of strategic thinking.