[center][img] http://static.tumblr.com/e61b61c167430db52b2b952c67c33196/ymrcyv4/ojBn8pr4y/tumblr_static_403c9d9e2zeo4gcwwwkws0w04.png [/img][/center] [hr] [color=fff200][b]CURRENT MEMBERS:[/b] [/color] [b]Hiro Takachiho[/b] GoGo Tomago (Leiko Tanaka) Honey Lemon (Aiko Miyazaki) Fredzilla (Fred) Wasabi-No-Ginger (Wasabi) Monster Baymax (Baymax) [color=fff200][b]FOUNDER:[/b][/color] The conglomerate of Japanese business and government officials known only as the Giri [color=fff200]| Origin & Backstory | [/color] The story of Big Hero 6 begins during the last few decades of WWII. Japan joined the Nazi war effort against the Allied Forces and things seemed to work in the Axis' favor. When Captain America was first introduced into the war effort and began his rampage through Europe Japan saw the need for government ran superhero team. Unfortunately there could not be an agreement before the war was won in the Allies favor. The next forty years Japan began researching all manner of technology in hopes to one day become the center of a technological achievement in the world. The 80's brought about the arise of mutants, specifically the rise of the Brotherhood, and Japan could no longer stand by while the rest of the world grew stronger through meta-humans. While the offical statement is that Japan takes no stand on the growing mutant threat, covertly a group of high ranking officals and business leaders began meeting to discuss a way to create their own mutants to catastrophic ends. After another thirty years and the rise of the superhero the group now calling themselves the Giri began working on ways to have their own group of heroes. When the incident at Vista Verde reached the ears of the Giri the thought of creating a super soldier like the Captain America of old soon became out of the question. After many years of searching the Japanese champion came forth in the form of the Silver Samurai. Even though his reign only lasted two years it refueled the Giri to create a team that would last several years. When the first ideas of Big Hero 6 first started the Giri began looking for teenagers that could be molded into proper agents and as such the first nomination they accepted came in the form of Naicho agent Honey Lemon, soon after the mysterious cook and samurai Wasabi-No-Ginger. Using their contacts made at S.H.I.E.L.D. the Giri found an unstable mutant right for molding that took to calling himself Fredzilla and the thug Leiko Tanaka was quickly enlisted in the threat of jail time. With four member recruited and in need of two more the Giri set their sights on child prodigy Hiro Takachiho. After his initial refusal Japan bore witness to its first meta-human attack in the form of the Everwraith. The creature was a manifestation of the lives lost during the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While it first turned its attention to the United States it soon turned its sights to Japan believing the actions of its country caused the tragedy. The time had come to intervene and unleash their team, but without a full team there was no confidence that the team would be successful. As luck would have it, tragedy would befall Hiro and force him to turn to Big Hero 6 and in turn the Giri. Once the Everwraith was dealt with the Giri has ordered the team to travel to the United States on a mission of good faith with S.H.I.E.L.D. and as luck would have it the Giri's liaison with the team just so happened to be Hiro's cousin and as such arrangements were made to set up a base of operations in San Francisco newly built Cool World Amusement Park. Unbeknownst to the Giri and the team a new threat is rising against them something more powerful than they had faced before. [color=fff200]| Biographies |[/color] [hider=Hiro Takachiho] [color=fff79a][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=fff79a][b]Powers in Brief:[/b][/color] Genius Level Intellect, Proficient in science and technology focused on biology, physics, and robotics. [color=fff79a][b]List of Gear:[/b][/color] Hiro has created a plethora of robots including Baymax himself as well as a flight suit powered by a jet pack with limited firepower capabilities. On top of all of his accomplishments in the field of robotics, one of his greatest creation is his Core Cyber Network or CCN. All of his robots are connected to this network which allows him to call any of his creations to him (depending on their location). Hiro himself can tap into the network using a pair of specially designed glasses that have a cybernetic video display which gives him fast and accurate data as well as connect to other networks. [color=fff79a][b]History:[/b][/color] Hiro Takachiho was born in 1995 to wealthy industrialists Tomeo and Maemi Takachiho. Growing up as an only child and living within the affluent suburb of Tokyo, Yoga City of Setagaya, Hiro was almost the definition of being born with a silver spoon. His intellectual prowess was almost instantly recognized and as such he was placed in pre-school at the age of two where he quickly began striving. Around the age of ten Hiro was enrolled in a prestigious private school known world wide as the foremost leader in technological advances. It was here in the Tesuka Advanced Science Institute that Hiro created his first and most advanced piece of technology, a robotic synthformer that he dubbed Monster Baymax or Baymax for short for a science fair. It wasn't long after that a clandestine order of businessmen and government officials took notice of young Hiro and tagged him as a potential candidate for their first government operated superhero team. Originally the preteen Hiro was not impressed with the group and as such turned them down in favor to continue a normal life. This idea was radically sent askew when a villain by the name of the Everwraith kidnapped his mother with no indication as to why. After exhausting all possible efforts himself Hiro turned to the Giri and their team dubbed Big Hero 6 for helped, he was soon cast into the leadership position. After meeting the rest of the team and making some upgrades to Baymax as well as creating his flight suit, Hiro along with Honey Lemon, Fredzilla, Wasabi-No-Ginger, and GoGo Tomago began their quest to save Hiro's mother and father. While the team was unsuccessful in saving his parents, Hiro and the team was able to defeat the vengeful spirit and Hiro commited himself to the team at large. He has spent the last three years as leader of the band of misfits known as Big Hero 6, believing that no one else is capable of doing so. Now at the age of seventeen and a right pompous ass Hiro continues to live a dual life as a hero and a average student. [/hider] [hider=GoGo Tomago (Leiko Tanaka)] [color=6ecff6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=6ecff6][b]Powers in Brief:[/b][/color] Armored suit grants ability to transform her body into an explosive ball of energy [color=6ecff6][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Skilled motorcyclist, Accomplished racer and stunt driver, Knowledge of underworld criminal activities. [color=6ecff6][b]History:[/b][/color] Born an orphan on the streets of Utsonomiya in the Tochigi Prefecture, Leiko grew into a life as a street urchin quickly learning how to pick-pockets and generally begin her life of crime very quickly. Once she became old enough to properly ride a motorcycle Leiko delved herself into everything motorcycle related everything from the mechanics of every little detail to racing Leiko quickly became a motorcycle genius. At the age of ten Leiko fell into the Shikei-Otaku, a bosozoku involved with the Yakuza and over the years grew quite knowledgeable with the Yakuza's workings. At the age of fifteen Leiko led a small group of other children from her bosokoku to rob the Kiyohara Industrial Complex. For the most part everything was going to plan but it didn't take long for everything to go south. She wasn't sure how it happened but Leiko was left "holding the bag" when the police came and arrested her. Being no stranger to the legal system Leiko believed that everything was going to go as usual but when she was led to a small room and left there for the first time in a long time she actually became afraid. When the shadowy group called the Giri came and told her that her only option was to either go to prison or join them to be trained as an agent she took the only option that made sense to her. She has been with the team ever since. [/hider] [hider=Honey Lemon (Aiko Miyazaki)] [color=ed145b][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=ed145b][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] Her Power Purse (also called the "Nano Purse") contains a near infinite artificially made inter-universe wormholes that she can store any number of things she might need for her missions. [color=ed145b][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Before joining the team was an agent for the Naikaku Joho Chosashitsu or Naicho for short and as such has been trained in interrogation and investigation. On top of her agent training she is also a brilliant scientist having previously worked for Naicho R&D. Her martial prowess is exceptional having extensively trained in aikido, judo, jujutsu, karate, and Shaolin kung fu. [color=ed145b][b]History:[/b][/color] Aiko's story begins at the age of sixteen where she was enrolled in the graduate program at the Tokyo University of Science. From an early age Aiko showed great interest and promise in all fields of science and pursued the field with everything that she had. Deciding to attend the prestigious graduate program at such an early age Aiko became acutely aware of others view of her and as such decided to play the part of the bubbly air-headed blonde partially to confuse those around her and partially because she thought that it was funny. It didn't take long for Japan's premiere intelligence agency to take notice of the beautiful blonde with a knack for science to be their latest secret agent and so Aiko joined with Naicho under the name Honey Lemon (the name of her favorite character from her favorite TV show at time). Aiko joined a prominent research and development team working with top physicist, chemists and mechanical engineers creating technology for all branches of the government. While within the short time she spent in Naicho Aiko played a major part in devolping major breakthroughs in surveillance technology Aiko's personal greatest invention was the creation of what she dubbed the Power Purse. It combined advanced wormhole generation technology with Pym Particles and the latest in nanotechnology which allowed Aiko to store an indefinite number of things she may need for her missions. Among the intelligence community rumors began about a group of elite businessmen and government officials called the Giri were attempting to create an entire team of superheroes run by the government and Aiko quickly saw an opportunity to rise in rank and status. After some carefully placed whispers and rumors the Naicho decided to nominate Aiko to take part in the new found team. [/hider] [hider=Fredzilla (Fred)] [color=82ca9d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=82ca9d][b]Powers in Brief:[/b][/color] Fred is a mutant who has the ability to generate an immense solid aura that he uses to fight with. It is unclear if he can create anything with his aura since he always creates some sort of Kaiju type monster. [color=82ca9d][b]History:[/b][/color] Not much is known about Fred since he has spent most of his life locked away in a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility somewhere in Japan. What little is known is that his family were native Ainu of Japan and the first manifestation of his powers caused devastation. As most of these memories have been taken from him Fred has grown up as many teenagers do. Fred's almost unnatural love for anything comic book, anime, or superhero related has given him the air of a below average high school student when in actuality he is by far one of the most trained members of Big Hero 6. When his combat training became more and more intense Fred has, in a sense, developed a dual personality when he becomes specifically challenged. [/hider] [hider=Monster Baymax (Baymax)] [color=gray][b]Age:[/b][/color] Indefinite [color=gray][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Baymax is an artificial synth-former that is capable of changing his shape into any form. His main two forms, Monster Baymax and Mecha Baymax, offer a bit more strength and fighting capabilities than his default form but his default form allows him to blend in with the crowd as he sits as a large heavy set man. No matter the form Baymax has access to internal scanners and sensors and is able to detect and evaluate any potential threat. Capable of Mach 4 flight and connected to Hiro's CCN there is very little that Baymax can't do. [color=gray][b]History:[/b][/color] Baymax's life began as a science project for Hiro Takachiho. Originally built as an hydro-powered robotic synth-former and programmed to be a chauffeur and bodyguard to Hiro much of Baymax's early days were spent in monotony. When Hiro's parents died he took his father's brain engrams and programed them into Baymax's A.I. and that was the day that Baymax truly began his life. When the Giri first approached Hiro to join the team Baymax adamantly protested with to refuse but when Hiro joined Baymax followed suit in the hopes to protect Hiro. Since the two joined the team Baymax has taken on a father figure role and cares for him as much as the boys actual father did. [/hider] [hider=Wasabi-No-Ginger (Wasabi)] [color=a187be][b]Age:[/b][/color] 19 [color=a187be][b]Powers:[/b][/color] Wasabi can manipulate his Qi-energy to form various blades which he can throw binding his enemy in place. [color=a187be][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] Wasabi was trained as a samurai and as such has mastered the art of swordsmanship wielding a variety of Japanese steel. Having trained in using his gift, Wasabi has become quite the capable marksman. While not on the battlefield Wasabi trains as a chief and has become quite good, often cooking traditional Japanese meals for the entire team. [color=a187be][b]History:[/b][/color] All history for Wasabi has been redacted and Wasabi himself refuses to talk. [/hider] [color=fff200][b]Team Affiliations:[/b][/color] [b]The Giri[/b]- A mysterious group of elite Japanese government officials and CEOs that formed the team to function as the first government funded superhero team. While it is unknown the names or how many actually sit on the council of the Giri they speak through Japanese native and agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Tadashi Hamada. [b]S.H.I.E.L.D.[/b]- The Giri and as such Big Hero 6 works closely with S.H.I.E.L.D. and all of its affiliates. While the two don't actually trust each other they both cooperate and share a vast information network. [b]Stark Technologies[/b]- Hiro has taken a personal interest in both Tony Stark and Stark Technologies. With his own personal inheritance he has invested a great deal of money into the once powerful weapons developer and wishes to see how a kid not much older than him will run the mighty tech giant. [b]Tadashi Hamada[/b]- Hiro's cousin and the liaison between Big Hero 6 and who or whatever political entity they encounter, Tadashi has taken on a big brother role for Hiro. Currently living in San Francisco where Hiro and the team are intended to land first his goal is to acclimate the team to life in America. Having ties to both the Giri and S.H.I.E.L.D., working as a mid-level agent, he is the only one suited to this task. [b]Cassandra Hamada[/b]- Hiro's aunt and Tadashi's mother is the owner of a cafe in the heart of San Francisco, called the Happy Cat Cafe. A bit of an eccentric, Aunt Cass hasn't seen Hiro since he was born...the reunion should be quite the special. [color=fff200][b]Sample Post[/b][/color] [center][img] http://static.tumblr.com/e61b61c167430db52b2b952c67c33196/ymrcyv4/ojBn8pr4y/tumblr_static_403c9d9e2zeo4gcwwwkws0w04.png [/img][/center] [hr] [b]Back Alley Club- Shibuya District, Tokyo- 01:00, Ten Hours till flight to San Francisco[/b] The dull roar of the crowd crescendo-ed to its peak as blow after blow was dealt to the reigning champ. As metal clashed against metal the challenger pressed on with his assault all hope seemed lost for the champion. With one punch the challengers bot sent the champion's bot sprawling across the ring. This was an illegal bot fighting match, one of several such events that have been springing up all over Tokyo. With the introduction of motorized mecha models there have been thousands of amateur inventors that have been changing their models and preparing them for back alley brawls. While normally this would be no real cause for concern the increase of betting brought in numerous criminal elements and as such the Yakuza began taking an extreme interest in the profits that it could bring. The current champion of the Shibuya Ward just so happened to be a member of the Yakuza, a large heavy set man by the name of Yama Uetsu. Known to be a rather cruel fighter appeared to be losing his championship fight. As the challenger moved in for the kill Yama's bot the aptly named Lil' Yama came back with a surprise buzzsaw through the challengers back leaving the once promising challenger defeated and dejected. As the crowd roared in amazement for what they just witnessed the towering bulk that was Yama stood and collected the money gathered in bets, a healthy sum that would greatly line his pockets for the next several weeks. With his ego at an all time high Yama stood bot in hand and proclaimed to the world, [i]"Who's next? Who thinks they step into the ring with Lil' Yama and fare better than this sorry excuse for a bot?"[/i] The once loud and rambunctious crowd grew suddenly deathly quiet. Everyone in attendance knew who Yama was and knew the consequences if they were to challenge such an infamous figure in their culture. From the back of the crowd came a sheepish voice, if the crowd hadn't been so quiet they would have never heard it. [b]"I..I'll try."[/b] The crowd parted like the Red Sea to see a scrawny teenager with a childish looking bot standing by the door. Upon first, and any other, glance the boy looked like the typical student; hair in a greasy disheveled mess, glasses starting to fall off his nose, and a wrinkled uniform covered by a worn and tattered bomber jacket. As soon as Yama laid eyes on the boy he immediately burst into a deep belly laugh which soon was followed by every other person in attendance. [i]"Go home little boy, this is where the big boys play. You don't have enough cash to play here!"[/i] Turning an interesting shade of red the boy once again sheepishly spoke, [b]"Oh...uh..well..I've got money."[/b] Reaching into his jacket the boy pulled out a crumpled wad of yen that couldn't have been less than ($)100,000. Raising an eyebrow in interest Yama weighed his options. If the boy was willing to risk everything he had then who was he to deny the boy. Nodding to the ref/bet taker Yama pulled out his own stack of cash, putting in no where near what the boy was about to put up. As Yama's deal with the ref was about to conclude the boy once again spoke up, [b]"Uh...if I may ask how much is your bet?"[/b] Slightly confused by the question Yama couldn't help but wonder why the boy would ask such a question, [i]"What's it matter?"[/i] [b]"Well...uh..I ask since it doesn't look like..uh as big as mine. As good as you are I..uh would think it would be an easy win."[/b] Now Yama was sure that something was up with the kid but as he was going to rebute the whispering from the crowd began was beginning to irritate. What the boy had said was beginning to make the crowd second guess him and that was something that Yama could not have, not on his turf. [i]"Alright little boy, if you go all in so will I. By the way what's your name so I know who to thank when I win?"[/i] [b]"Hiro...Hiro Takachiho."[/b] As the bout started the boy's demeanor changed, suddenly the boy was brimming with confidence and swagger as the bot jumped and hoped around dodging Lil' Yama effortlessly. As Hiro controlled the bot with a remote on his wrist Yama could do little but watch helplessly as the very thing that he was making fun of just moments ago was systematically tearing his prize bot apart as if it was tissue paper. When Hiro was done Lil' Yama lay scattered about the ring in pieces and Hiro's bot returned dutifully to its master side. [b]"Well well, I must say that was interesting. Well at least I have some traveling money now. Thanks Yama...your a pretty stand up guy helping out a sweet innocent kid like me."[/b] Once again the hulking figure of Yama towered over Hiro, only this time Yama was not in a joking mood. With gun drawn Yama was ready to kill this little arrogant punk for trying to pull a fast one on him, when suddenly through the same door that Hiro came through came another hulking figure. One as equally impressive as Yama's, [b][color=gray]"I suggest that you put your gun away sir. This will most certainly end poorly for you if you continue this course of action."[/color][/b] [i]"And what are you going to do if I don't?"[/i] Without a second thought the newest man in the room grabbed the gun from Yama and crushed it with his bare hands while throwing Yama across the room. The man turned to Hiro and began dragging him out by his collar. [b][color=gray]"Hiro, you no better than to go out illegally gambeling especially when we have an assignment tomorrow that requires us to travel."[/color][/b] [b]"Would you relax Baymax...I was procuring some personal spending cash...YEEOOOWWWWWWW!"[/b] Baymax, growing ever tired of listening to Hiro's excuses began pulling him by the ear as they marched back to their hotel room. This was not going to be as fun as Hiro thought it would.