"So... where did you grow up Maximus?" Maximus raised an eyebrow as he glanced over to Eva, who had now started to ask personal questions. Looking back to the path he let the silence settle for a moment before answering. "I grew up in a tiny village off the high roads, my mother and father owned an Inn that kept them busy with all the travelers there. Though I haven't been back in twenty four years when I left to become a warrior monk." As if expecting Eva's next question before she said it he added, "I've been looking for my little sister as often as I could." He grew quiet at thinking of Saina, She was adamant that he wasn't her brother, but he could tell... he could feel it was her. He couldn't explain how she didn't look older than twenty one, despite he himself looking almost ten years younger than he really was. His eyes narrowed as he thought, but he pulled himself out of it and looked to Eva once again and then asked, "You certainly are feeling better than you were a few hours ago... May I ask why the sudden outburst? Surely something calmed you down...was it the temple and the hymn?" He looked over to Gippal who seemed out of it still... He honestly didn't understand why Gippal was acting this way, the two girls were a handful...and yet he had a beautiful woman right here vying for his attention, yet he didn't have a clue. If he were a few years younger... and in his position.... He shook his head just slightly before asking, "What is eating at you Gippal?"