While Remus was annoyed with Dracmon and his taunting, he did understand the folly of his confrontation, they were strange strangers in a strange land filled with even stranger strangers and here he was demanding answers. He closed his eyes and chuckled [color=lightblue]"Well Zurumon, I'd say if we want anything other than decay to set in we best get a move on!" [/color]He began to stride out ahead when he realized that two of the group members were missing. He stopped dead on his heels and spun around, nearly flinging Zurumon off his neck. [color=lightblue]"Well friends it seems that we have nothing but each other, the clothes on are backs,these strange but colorful characters and devices and more questions then we can count, So I plan on finding some answers- He paused for a moment to see if anyone was listening and to let his words sink in "Anyone whose with me keep your eyes and mind open and stick close two of us are missing and anything or even nothing could be happening to them...Lets see to its nothing!"[/color] Not waiting for a response Remus straightened his coat and strode off in search of his missing not really acquaintance.